A duel full of despair

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The three of them followed the limousine that Togami had taken on his way out, which took them to the building of the Togami Corporation, the most powerful company and family in the entire country.

The three entered the building, running down a surprisingly empty long corridor, when they finished running they reached what looked like a kind of arena for games, where togami was waiting for them in silence.

Togami- So you have decided to follow me, how predictable, the roaches like you don't stop until they get crushed

Makoto- Togami, we know you have my sister's card

Komaru- Yeah! give it back you creep!

Togami- Sorry, but i have plans for this card...-He said just to rip the card apart with a sadistic smile.

Hagakure- W-what?! the card!

Togami- Yes, the Blue Eyes White Dragon is indeed a powerful card, and this one will never be use against me

Komaru- Makoto, take this- She said while giving him a Duel Monsters deck- I know you can beat him, you'r even a better duelist than me!

Hagakure- Yeah! You'r like the best duelist I've met, and you have you'r ultimate luck, just beat the cards out of him!

Makoto- I-i... I'll do it!- He said with great determination

Togami- If you're done giving yourself false hope, we can start.

Both duelists went up to a kind of giant dueling table, Togami set one card face down, and played his card: Saggy, The Dark Clown, and the monster materialized as if it were real

Makoto- W-what the...- Makoto was completely shocked by the monster

Togami- Yes, I've build an holographic arena that can bring our cards to reality!

Makoto- So this is how you beat my grandpa!

Togami- Wait, what grandpa?

Makoto- Sorry, i don't know where that came from, but anyways, i'll play the Dark Magician!

The card materialized, revealing the card's sorcerer.

Makoto- Now i'll attack you'r monster!

Togami- How foolish of you, i activate my trap card: Crush Card Virus! this card destroys all strong monsters from you'r deck

Makoto- B-But my Dark Magician! My monsters!

Togami- Yes Makoto! You're a third rate duelist, with a fourth rate deck, there's not a single card you have that can defeat me! And now... let's see if you like this, i summon the Blue Eyes White Dragon!

A huge bright blue dragon manifested itself before Makoto's gaze

Makoto- A-a blue eyes?!

Togami- You think you'r sister was the only one to posses a blue eyes? I have three, you fool!

Makoto-(What can i do now?! My hand is full of pieces of something, and none of them are strong enough, wait! peaces, that's right! if i draw one more...)

Makoto brought his hand closer to his deck, trusting in his ultimate luck, he took out a card

Togami- Play you'r last pathetic card so i can end you! 

Makoto- My sister's deck has no pathetic cards! but it does have... the unstoppable Exodia!

Togami- Wha...! Impossible!

Makoto- I've assembled all peaces for victory! all the peaces of the puzzle! now Exodia OBLITERATE!!

A large creature manifested from a pentagram of light, only to reach out with a lightning bolt that destroys all of Togami's monsters.

Togami had lost the duel, making Makoto the winner

Komaru/Hagakure- Oh Yeah!

Togami- I-it can't be... I've never lost in anything...

Makoto- Togami, You'll never beat me if you keep playing with hatred and malice, when you remember the fun in dueling, is when you will won again

With that, the three of them left the building, leaving togami thinking

Togami- ( That Makoto, i will get my revenge... and i know the perfect way to do it)

Danganronpa: Despair In The ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now