13 ~♪ Finally found Love

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Akshara Goyanka ka music therapist finding for a job in Mumbai away from her family a girl who believe in love but is not in love with someone yet

Abhimanyu Birla a famous heart surgeon in Mumbai work in Birla hospital a lot of girls have crush on him and want to spend night with him which he didn't like but he had a bit of attraction for those sexy girls but wasn't in love with them . Sometimes he used to kis those girls but never do more than kissing only once he hide experience making love with and intern who made him do so by intoxicating him through a drink

On one pretty day

Akshra go in the cafe shop

Akshra go in the cafe shop

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Her dress

She was drinking her coffee and she bump with mahima she was also there for some reason

Akshu : sorry aunty

Mahima : it's ok

Akshu ask the manager

Akshu : hey i sing song and i am searching for job if I get her ... I can sing for people in cafe

Mahima : u are a singer

Akshu : ya music therapy

Mahima : oh great if u don't mind u can work for my hospital

Akshu : really i am ready

Mahima : lovely come with me

Mahima take her in his hospital and in the conference room Abhimanyu and few doctors were present there

Mahima ; meet her Akshara she is the music therapist of our hospital and I think Abhimanyu's patient need her very much so she will work under him

Abhimanyu was lost in her beauty.....

Mahima : abhimanyu you don't have any problem if she work with no

Abhimanyu : no not at all I would love I mean to say it will be great if she helps my patients

Mahima : and what about you Akshara are you okay with it

Akshara : yes ma'am I am okay

Mahima left room as one surgery has come and she has to go the doctors present there also went with her only Abhimanyu and Akshara was there

Abhi : nice to meet you it will be my pleasure having you here

he was unable to process what was happening to him just the beautiful eyes of Akshara and his smile was making him mad

Akshu : thank you sir I am also grateful to work with you abhi don't be nervous come a bit closer trying to make a comfortable whenever she use to get nervous she close her eye this time also she do so it driving abhi crazy and he just wants to kiss her heardly

Abhi : Akshra come let's see the full hospital so u will not get confuse or lost ...

Akshu : ha sure

She was also feeling something different....

Akshu : by the way u can call me akshu

Akshu in mind : oh god what are u telling are u out of your mind ? What will he think !

Abhi : ok same goes to you akshu

Akshu : means?

Abhi : you can call me abhi too

Akshu : ok

They both go on round....

As u all know akshu habit of falling , she was walking but her leg get twisted and was about to fall but abhi hold her

Abhi : are u ok ?

Akshu : ya

Abhi : sure

Akshu : ha i am sure ... 

Abhi : it's 9pm i can drop u if u don't mind

Akshu : mmm .... She think for some time

Akshu : ok

Abhi drop akshu at her home but when she was going his eyes fall on her legs which was bit red....

Abhi : what happen to your leg

Akshu : huh !

Abhi : wait

He lift

Akshu : abhi

Abhi : sh ....sshhhhh

He take her to her room

Abhi : i think when u fall at that time u get this injury

Akshu : it's ok i am ok

Abhi : shut up tell me where is first aid box

Akshu : in cupboard right side

Abhi apply cream on it

Abhi : if u don't feel well don't come tomorrow

Akshu : hey i am fine

Abhi : ok akshu where is your family

Akshu : actually they live in rajasthan not here

Abhi : oh so u live alone ?

Akshu : ya

Abhi : then take care of your self and i u need something aur if u feel something strange call me ok

Akshu : ha

Abhi in mind : y i am so much attracted towards her ? When she get this hurt i don't fell good why what's happening?

Akshi : y i am getting so much attach towards abhi ? Akshu it's a first side love ? What rubbish u are talking

Abhi in mind : does i love akshu

Akshu : it's too late your family will be worried about u

Abhi : oh ha by good night call me if u need something

Akshu : sure

He go home

To be continued
Story by

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