Back to the abandoned

Start from the beginning

Fugaku:"why are you here Chazz?"

Chazz:"I just heard that Alexis, has been kidnapped."

Everyone else who didn't have a duel spirit were shocked and all of us then began to make out way out of my home while I took a jacket with me as it was coming down heavy with rain. While we rushed to the main building to make sure what he said is real Jaden, winged Kuriboh, and chumley, Des Koala, duel spirits appeared and along with mine and Chazz, they all helped guild the way, when we rushed through the front door the place was as dark as it was outside with no lights turned on at all but we still knew our way though the academy. While we were rushing though the academy following the duel spirit where they were leading us but only half the people here could see the duel spirits. Running through the maze of the academy it became clear which room that we were heading to, Atticus room, where he was still being treated as he has not fully recovered from being night shroud. As we reached the door of the room standing outside the door was both professor Crowler, and Zane.

Zane:"there's no sign of Alexis, it's like she just disappeared."

Crowler:"I don't understand, it's no like Alexis to just up and vanish, maybe her brother knows her whereabouts."

Then we all entered the room as we struggled to see in the darkness of the room but soon a loud gasp came over each of us when we saw Atticus, lying on the ground seemingly passed out. everyone rushed around him carefully lifting him up off of the ground and onto the bed as he soon began to come back to opening hie eyes seeming to be confused.

Zane:"what happend here?"

Atticus:"it was him... T... Titan."

Jaden:"Titan did this? Who is Titan?"

I don't recall hearing a name like that but all of these shadow riders are quite mysterious.

Fugaku:"did he say where he would take her?"

Atticus:"yeah... He said something about putting her back in a coffin."

Jaden, then stood up with a shocked look on his face.

Jaden:"wait, she's at the abandoned dorm!?"

All of us looked at each other and to be honest I didn't want to go back there as their are evil spirits lurking around there, but I knew if it was to save our class mate then we would need to go there and save her.

Fugaku:"should we get going now, the longer we stand about the worse Alexis, might be."

Everyone agreed as we all got ready to go Jaden, helped Atticus, to his feet putting one of his arms over his neck to give him support, I did the same for him to help Atticus, as I'm sure he would do the same for me if I had a sister. While we made our way to the abandoned dorm exiting the main building the rain seemed to be coming down heavier, the winds blowing much stronger, the thunder was louder like it was trying to make the volcano on this islands to erupt, all of these could be signs that a duel has begun or maybe they are a sign of something worse. Walking through the muddy path to get to the abandoned dorm to was a worrying thing as this place seemed to be filled with evil spirits around the abandoned dorm telling those who were able to see them to get away before it was to late, to late for what though. When we walked through the gate entrance and into the abandoned dorm the place was as creepy as I remember it was. We slowed down as we made our way thought the abandoned dorm as you would prefer to be out in the rain and thunder with the evil spirits rather than in here where the spirits dare not enter. Walking down a corridor I heard a creaking sound coming from somewhere.

Y/n:"does anyone know where that was coming from?"

Everyone began to look around trying to figure out where the creaking sound was coming from but when I looked down I saw that the ground below us was starting to break, out of instinct I shoved away both Jaden and Atticus, as the ground blow broke apart, as I fell I looked up seeing that I was the only one to fall. When my body crashed onto the ground I yelled out in pain, when I stopped yelling I looked down to see that I have twisted my leg leg so badly that I knew I would not be able to walk without any medical attention.

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