-His Warm Embrace-

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I was standing on the balcony ,crying silently.Facing outside thinking of a scene I just witnessed.If not him,I would have..My thoughts stopped when I realised a pair of veiny arms snaking around my waist ,pulling me closer to a well built chest.It did not took me a min to realise it's my newly wedded husband.Though I did not feel anything ,but I did not try to push him away.He gently placed his chin on my shoulder and looked outside.His deep breathes were on my neck ,made me feel kinda awkward I guess.Firstly I am thinking of another man on my wedding night ,my newly married husband who himself knows and witnessed that is hugging me and he did not even say a word.I felt weird,I thought to turn around and talk but my thoughts were interrupted again as I felt his soft warm lips kissing my neck.I could not think of anything.I-I was paralysed.I did not know what to do. I closed my eyes feeling his kisses and tears rolled down of my cheeks.I realised I actually needed him to heal the wounded me.A stream of thoughts rushed across my mind .THE FLASHBACKS OF FEW MINUTES AGO.

I got married to my friend ,who had a crush on me.However I did not know be loved me eversince.I thought to part ways with him even after getting married.May be without love it can't work.I could feel his love but I did not want him to waste his feelings nd time for me.

.After my wedding I excused myself and went to meet my crush.I met him in a club.I knew my crush liked me by his behavior ,eventually when I reached.I was at shock.The hopes ,he gave me was actually fake ones.I came to see my crush making out with his lady love.I broke down there,I thought I had no hope.I sat on ground and cried for my crush,My Alan.Suddenly my friend's text popped out,who congratulated me for my marriage.I remembered the smile of my husband and got up,I came out and about to leave but a group of young boys circled me ,started talking shits.I am a tough girl,I would not bother but with my broken heart,I kept quiet...But, suddenly A man came from behind and beat them.It was none but my husband.Then I realised why I saw his car when I came out.He was here ever-since I came but he never told me,so that I don't feel sad.I did not say a word.He carried and took me home.After that,I stood here.

When I opened eyes ,I felt so much guilty for thinking to break up with him soon after our marriage.This time my tears came for him,I started sobbing and soon I turned around and hugged him before he could react. I buried my face into the crook of his neck,he was so warm.I cried while he softly pecked my bare shoulders ,patting my back.Somehow hugging him calmed me,I noticed his cologne which was soothing me.I smelt him but then pulled out of the hug.My lips parted however I could not speak a single world.But instead he said ,"My girl,is it still hurting that much ?" cupping my cheeks staring at my eyes.

I felt love and care in his eyes ,which calmed me more.Somehow my heart felt soothed,but my eyes looked down for some reasons.I nodded in 'no'

"Then why my princess is looking away? Is she shy?", he chuckled.

I pouted glaring angrily ,"yeah I was crying so, now you think am a crybaby or what?"

He chuckled again.I continued ,"You know you kissed my neck without my permission ,U hugged me and now you teasing me!" His eyes widened.

"You are a pervert!" He looked down.

"But, why did not I push you away?I let u kiss and I felt your love is all I need now" ,I blabbered without thinking and pouted confusedly.He smiled widely amd poked my cheeks ,"You are so cute ,Princess haha"

I looked up seeing his smile and I understood what I just spat out.I blushed.He giggled and carried me in his embrace.Placed me on the bed smilling and squatted near me. I sat up on bed and asked curiously,"Well when you know everything why did not you stop me from going there?"

He stared at me ,"Everything needs time Jennifer,if I did you would not come out of it and if I did we would not be sitting peacefully now.Besides interrupting you is not I ,Andrew as you husband should do.You are a human ,you need to have your own decisions and thoughts too.I respect it." He paused.I was speechless.I hugged him again.I understood what god does,is for our good.I wanted to love him like he does.I stared at him and he understood what I meant.

He layed me down as if am a glass piece.I smiled amd closed my eyes.He started kissing my neck.He sucked my collarbones and started roaming his hands under my tshirt.I moaned softly.He chuckled nodding and came down.He started kissing my stomach and sucking my belly button ,while my toes curled,I felt the thousand butterflies inside my tummy.I started shivering because of the new feelings.I moaned closing my eyes,clutching the bedsheets.He was coming up to my chest kissing,I felt nervous.Suddenly he stopped.I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me.

I was about to ask him but he put his first finger on my lips and said ,"It's not the time princess"

I frowned,"I am willing Andre..I-I.."
He plopped beside me before I finish again this Idiot.I turned around being unhappy.It was my first time,I wanted to gave him.I wanted to give him a chance but I finally thought to move on but..He..turned me on and stopped ,what a Jerk! I was pissed off.

He roamed his hands under my tshirt grabbing my waist from back and said,"Princess,being physical is not okay when you have not accept me fully. You are not still comfortable.I could have consummate our marriage as you wanted.But ,I don't wanna take your virginity until you yourself wanna be mine."I somehow felt guilt again and sayed sorry in a low tone.He came near my ears and whispered ,"I don't wanna possess your body but your soul and your love,My Princess"

I felt so much loved,I felt blessed to have me.I thanked god for giving me him..By the time, I knew one thing This man will love me to hell to make me happy for life but also he will...I felt chills rushing through my spine,I got goosebumps all over my body.

"I will not ever break you heart but the beds" ,He sucked my earlobe turning me into red.I gradually turned around and faced him,saw him smirking which made me gulp.He giggled.I could not help but kissing him.Yes. I took the initiative.I kissed him cupping his cheeks.I kissed him with all my love .I was stupid to consider a mere attraction as crush or love and hurting ,while I already fell for him too.Yes I never wanted to kiss til' I meet my love and he is the one,My Andrew.

Another snowy night of Paris was passed with sweet-talks of a new-couple ,proving love is so beautiful,when choice is correct.

Author's POV:

Hola guys meeting ya after a long time!how are you? There's another love-doze here!Hope y'all liked it. Well, my beautiful readers, don't worry I'll complete my other stories as well,but your author is super busy because of personal problems.I wish I can cone back soon.Love you all,miss you to... Happy reading🦋.. Take love✴️


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