Chapter Two: Proffesor Albarn

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Chapter 2: Proffesor Albarn

Y/n waddled to school with her blur backpack, blasting chemical world in her earphones, she was really nervous for her first day at big school! Suddenly a sweaty emo kid with black hair, swayed to the side shoved past her angrily. "Watch it nerd!!" he screamed as he stormed past her. Y/n then made eye contact with the wolf girl, she was growling in the corner, practicing her wolf hops!!!
The stinky school bell rang and y/n quickly pulled out her timetable and saw that she had maths first period. "Darn it not maths, all I want to do is daydream about Damon" she mumbled to herself. She made her way over to the maths classroom and sat down in an empty seat and pulled out her maths book not focusing on the others around her. She suddenly felt a presence beside her, "sorry to bother ya love but are you y/n?" Damon said quietly, smirking. Y/n immediately shot up and her mouth stood open, gazing upon the real Damon albarn. "Y-e-es, th-at's me" she stuttered shyly. "Well I wanted to er give ya a yelo maths book because this lesson is banana themed!" He said, winking. Y/n screamed inside "omg omgogmgm he winked at me aaaaaaa I am gonna explode inside...". "HEY NERD U STOLE MY SEAT!!!" the emo kid shouted at her.

"Geez sorry!!!" y/n said as she began to gather her belongings, Damon noticed her blur backpack and smirked, watching her walk to find another seat. "Finally I can play animal jam" the emo kid mumbled, annoyed. Y/n rolled her eyes, she hated animal jam especially the spiked collars!!! "Urgh I hate that emo kid all he cares about is rares when music is way better!" she mumbled to herself. Damon padded up to her, " y/n, I see you got a cheeky blur backpack there" he winked. "Erhm y-es I-I am sort off...a big fan-I hope it doesn't weird you out or anything!!" she said nervously, dropping her pen. Damon bent down to pick up her pen and put it on her desk, "well I'm not weirded out by ya luv"he meowed. The animal theme tune could be heard from the greasy emo kid's phone and y/n stormed out from her seat and grabbed his phone and snapped it like a glowstick! "I HATE ANIMAL JAM!!!!!" She raged, "ARE U FRICKING KIDDING ME, DID U JUST BREAK MY ANIMAL JAM ACCOUNT WITH ALL MY RARES?!?!" the emo kid barked angrily. "THEN DON'T PLAY IT IN CLASS BECAUSE THERES PEOPLE RYING TO-" the emo kid began to cry. Damon took the emo kid out of class and then began the lesson...

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