The universe is ruled by chaos.

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Nonlinearity means that the act of playing the game has a way of changing the rules. [...] Analyzing the behavior of a nonlinear equation like the Navier-Stokes equation is like walking through a maze whose walls rearrange themselves with each step you take.

James Gleick

I: Is the universe ruled by chaos or is it just an enigmatic phenomena beyond human understanding?

Is chaos truly an unpredictable occurrence or is the human species too ego blinded to admit there are things out of it's comprehension? Is chaos chaos, or is it simply disguised order the human brain is not able to identify? After all, what is chaos if not a series of non-linear equations human beings aren't able to reckon? What is chaos if not order and what is order if not chaos?

Is Chishiya Shuntarō just chaos? Or is it there also order inside of him?

According to Chaos Theory, the answer is in fact vague: In all chaos there's order and in all order there's chaos. Long story short, the universe is ruled by chaos and so are human beings. Though, much unlike the universe, humanity is also ruled by order. According to Kohaku Gyōko however, the answer is pretty much precise: Chaos Theory is bullshit!

From a very young age, Gyōko has known she's nothing more than an endless pattern of numbers and equations. She soon realized three things:
1. Every single one of her actions and thoughts could be easily figured and determined in the matter of seconds.
2. The mere act of her existence was as miserable and formularized as other human beings experiences.
3. Everything is predictable if you know how to calculate it correctly.

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