Chapter One: Unknown Danger

Start from the beginning

The three of us fell into a deep silence to pay our respect, when suddenly we heard Robin who were a few steps away from us scream.

"Gah," she exclaimed, making us turn our attention to her. Her eyes bulged as she pointed her finger toward us

"What is it, Robin?" I ask her while looking confused, but instead of answering my question, she just continued pointing her finger toward us

"What?" Nancy asks, annoyed.

"There's...There's something -" She trailed off while pointing at us again.

"What is 'there's something Robin?" Steve complained.
"Back... There's something in your back," she finally spoke up, pointing her finger to me, or should I say towards our back.

I and the other two looked at each other's eyes, confusion evident inside them. We then soon found ourselves looking curiously toward where she was pointing.

> > >

Soon enough, we got out of the upside-down and were flabbergasted to see the peaceful Hawkins almost ruined by portals all around it.

-After two days-

Mike's Pov

We drove from Lenora Hills of California to Hawkins using the pizza van Argyle and Jonathan used.

Even before we entered the town, we had seen cars of the residents leaving, one car after another.

While driving to my house, we saw a family still packing up their things to leave Hawkins.

We managed to get to my house without any difficulties and saw my mom putting out boxes.
Once she had a glimpse of me exiting the vehicle, she immediately ran toward me and hugged me tight.

After our reunion, the group split up.

The three people, Steve, Dustin, and Robin, left to go to the evacuation center to help people with the donations.

Meanwhile, El, Jonathan, Will, Nancy, and Argyle were left to go to Hopper's cabin (this is the same cabin that was ruined by the Spider Monster that killed Billy In season 3).

I hugged my mom for the last time, and we soon took off to the cabin.

-in Hopper's cabin-

Once we arrived at our destination, all of us got off and walked to a ruined cabin

Jonathan and Nancy were left outside to fix the broken windows

While El, Will, and I were left to clean inside

"Did she... talk to you at all?" Will ask seeing El walk in front of us

"Not much. I mean, a little bit."

I sighed

"Dr. Brenner..." I said as I sat on the old sofa, finding Will sitting down as well.
"He said that she wasn't ready. And now she's starting to think he was right."

"That's crap."

"If it wasn't for her if she hadn't left the lab-Max wouldn't be alive right now."

"I know."

"It's just, she's,"

"She's never lost before. Not like this."

"She'll have another chance."

"-Let's hope not. Let's hope one is dead and rotting."

"He's not." I was greeted by an ominous presence as Will said those words.

"Now that I'm in here, in Hawkins, I can f-feel him," his voice quivered.

"and he's hurt. He's hurting. But he's still alive. "

"It's strange, knowing now who it was the whole time, but... I can still remember what he thinks and how he thinks, " Will said with a shaky breath.

"and he's not going to stop. Ever. Not until he's taken everything. And everyone." he said as he turned towards me.

"We have to kill him," he said with full seriousness.

"And we will," I said as I touched his shoulder, reassuring him.
"We will," I repeated, still touching his shoulder.

Just then, a revering sound of a vehicle was heard outside, making us look at each other in shock and sat up.

Will walk faster and look at the open gap in the cabin.

There, we both saw a black car that seemed to be from the government, coming towards the cabin and stopping just in front of the cabin door.

"Government." I heard Jonathan say with a little hint of fear.


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Now, onto the next chapter

Chapter One: Unknown Danger, To be continued
Over and Out

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