C͟h͟a͟p̲t͟e͟r͟ 22-̲ Yes-

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Finally I was about to have a real date with Jaden.

It was miserable when he was gone.

Now I'm going on a date with him!

I dressed up..

Well I hope Jaden thinks I look pretty

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Well I hope Jaden thinks I look pretty.

Ding- dong.

There's the door!

A: Jaden! I'm so glad to see you.

Jaden: I'm glad I finally worked up the nerve to ask you.

A: So is this a date- date. Like you know a romantic one.

Jaden: Actually...

He took my hand.

Jaden: I'd say it's more like an I- want- to- make- you- fall- in- love- with- me- date-

A: Jaden..

Jaden: I know that's a lot of pressure, but I've realized I've gone about this all wrong. Because the reality is... I want you to marry me. I love you Ariana. Since the very first night in Vegas

A: I should've never left that night

Jaden: It's okay. Let's think about the future now.

A: You really love me?

Jaden: more than anything.

A: Jaden I- ...

Jaden: I know you don't but I-

A: I love you, Jaden.

He looked up at me with the biggest smile ever.

Jaden: Really?!?

A: Really. You have no idea how happy you make me. I've resisted you at every turn, but really, I realize now I've been resisting myself.

Jaden: What do you mean?

A: I mean that I've been hiding my feelings for a while. Because I was scared of what would happen if you knew. But now there's no way I can keep it in. I love you Jaden Hossler. I love you so much

Jaden: you have no idea what it does to me to hear you say that. And of course I love you too. We've wasted time, Ariana.

A: Let's not think of that and just kiss me.

It felt good kissing Jaden again. He's the only man that has made me feel special.

A: So, what do we do now?

Jaden: Well.. I suppose I charm you until you bed me to marry you.

A: Wait.. I'm supposed to ask you?

Jaden: I promise you I wouldn't as again. But, just so you know, I'm a sure thing.

A: Why don't you try asking me one more time?

I giggled

Jaden: really?


Jaden: Ariana Davis, will you marry me?

Jaden: Ariana Davis, will you marry me?

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A: Jaden.. yess I'll marry you.

Jaden: Really?

A: of course I will!

Jaden: Yes!

He pulled me into a kiss.

Just then he yelled out

Jaden: She said yes.

And everyone started to clap.

A: Whoo, I think I need to sit down.

Jaden: You're right sit.

We sat down and waited for our food.

Jaden: Sorry I don't have a ring. But maybe it'll be special if we went to go pick it together.

A: perfect as long as we get something with character.

Jaden: What ever you want Butterfly, we'll get it. When do you want to get married? I was thinking a month should be enough time, right?

A: Wow! Hold on we just got engaged. Let's savor this moment for a bit.

Jaden: you're right, as always. Let's get outta here. And savor the moment back home?

A: wow when you say it like that.

I stood up super quick.

A: Check!

-two weeks later-

The big day....

Unexpectedly Pregnant ~ Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now