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Jaden: Ariana! I came as soon as possible.

A: thank good you're here. I wouldn't be able to do it without you.

Jaden: Are you okay? Is she ok Dean?

A: What's happening to me?

D: so I believe you're having Braxton Hicks contractions. It's normal to get them.

Jaden: Are you sure she doesn't need to go to the hospital?

D: No, no. Think of it as her body practicing for the real thing.

A: Thank you, Dean. I feel so relieved.

J: Yes thank you Dean. We appreciate you seeing Ariana so late.

D: of course, anytime.

Dean left.

Jaden looks really shaken up about this.

Jaden: Ariana, can I at least give you a ride home?

A: It's ok Jaden. I'm sure you're tired it's pretty late. I'll catch a ride with Joan. My apartment is on the way to her house.

Jaden: Okay, but text me once you're safe inside.

A: I will.

-a few weeks later-

It's been weeks.

I was sitting in the back of a limo.. yet again thinking about Jaden.

But work.. work makes me try to forget about him.

It was weird a car I haven't seen before outside of Joan's place.

Wonder who's it can be?

I went inside

A: Knock- knock Hello!

I called Joan's phone to hear maybe were she will be at


Nope didn't hear anything.

I went to check the kitchen and while I was at it I decided to grab some water...

All I know I ended up screaming

Maybe Joan was screaming even louder.

I went to check out what was going on but instead I saw someone falling from the upper floor.

Huh? What's that, Dean?

I was about to call 9-1-1 when Joan came running downstairs already on call with them.

J: Yes that's my address please bring an ambulance now.

Joan and I ran outside to Dean.

J: Dean! You're still alive? Thank god. Are you okay? Can you stand?

D: my leg... is it bad?

A: well Dean... it's just a scratch.

J: well down get hopes up dear.

Joan seemed mad

A: just tryna be optimistic.

D: oh boy..

Joan went over to him.

J: Oh dean!

D: Joan, it's fine- it's okay dear. Here let me just take a look.

A: no! Don't look down! Just lay back and breath.

D: wow who's the doctor now?

Dean smiled.

A: Dean why did you jump off a window?

D: I can explain everything. You see Joan wasn't feeling well so I-

J: Dean the jig is up

Joan stood up and took a breath.

J: We're sleeping together..

A: Wow..

Yes wow.

A: I have sooo many questions. When did this happen.

J: the night you canceled dinned with Dean, and I went with him alone.

A: no kidding...

D: I know this is complicated.

A: honestly it's between you two.

We heard the ambulance coming.

While putting Dean into the ambulance I felt a pain.


One of the paramedics came over to me.

Paramedics: Wow miss you okay?

A: yes i think I'm just having a contraction.

D: remember to breath Ariana.

Just then I hear his voice.

The man I dream off.

The man I lov-

Jaden: Where is she!

A: Jaden?!?

Jaden: Angel what's going on here? What's wrong?

He told me.

A: contractions. Are you okay?

Jaden: yes! Just worried about you. An ambulance is here is it serious?

A: Um..

Jaden: wait.. why is Dean being carried away in a stretcher?

A: Ahahah funny story.

Jaden turned around and saw how Joan was tearing up and crying.

D: Joan calm down, it's just my knee.

J: You're the damn fool who fell off the window.

I saw Jaden and he looked confused and mad at first.

Jaden: why did Dean jump of my moms window? And why is he half-naked?

A: ask your mom.

Just then when we bogged looked away we saw Joan lean in and kiss Dean.

Jaden: What the hell Dean and my mom?

A: Yup. Dean and your mom.

Jaden went over to Joan.

Jaden: Mom? Are you kidding me? You can't be serious right now.

J: not now honey.

Joan left with Dean..

Jaden: This is unbelievable, all of it.

Jaden seemed very mad.

A: want to go inside? I can help.

Jaden: Yea dear. Let's go inside.

We went inside and came into the kitchen.

Jaden: I know you wanted space but... I saw the ambulance and I thought it was for you. I thought something horrible happened to you. And in that moment I realized... there's no way I can live without you...

Unexpectedly Pregnant ~ Jaden Hossler Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora