Chapter 6: be still my beating heart.

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Ariana: Dean.. please tell us. Is there something wrong with my baby.
Jaden: Dean. Why can't we hear my babies heart beat.

Dean the repositioned the tool. Just then the best things I've ever heard came to life.

Thump- thump. Thump- thump. Thump- thump.

Dean: there it is.
Jaden: oh thank god.
Dean: seems like the baby wanted to play hide- and- seek.
Ariana: I bought I was going to pass out again.
Dean: you should be happy. Your baby is healthy and happy.

Jaden wrapped his hand around my shoulder.

Ariana: what a relief.
Jaden: yes what a relief.

Me and Jaden seemed serious I would say. So he pulled me in and gave me a kiss.

Dean: cough cough now let's check a few more vitals..

He started checking me again.

Dean: Ah. The baby is moving. We must've woken it up.
Jaden: really!
Ariana: oh my god. I can feel it moving in there.

After Dean had left.

(One week later)

I was doing some baby shopping online when Joan invited me to hang out with her and her friends. I decided to pass on that.

Usually Jaden would check up on me. But he hasn't checked up...

Do I miss him...?

Im sure he's fine.

It turned might Time and jaden still hasn't checked up.

I was scrolling through the media and nothing.

I went outside my  room and saw Jadens room open. I decided to take a little peek inside.

Wow! So many trophies. 

I went back to my room, and checked my messages. Still nothing...

I decided to call him.

Jaden: Jaden Hossler
Ariana: Hi, Jaden. I hope I'm not interrupting something.
Jaden: Oh, hey Ari. I just stepped out on a break. So, what's up?
Ariana: I was just wondering if-
Jaden: Ari, I'm really sorry, but they need me back in the conference room. Can we talk about this some other time.
Ariana: oh..ya,Um, sure.
Jaden: Thanks for being cool, Ari.
Ariana: sorry for waisting your time bye.
I hung up on him


Why is he acting like this!

I went downstairs and decided to bake a cake. I should be asleep but this is better

Joan: Ari what are you doing?
Ariana: oh well you know. Cleaning at night is really good. Something about the reflection of the moon?
Joan: Uh-Huh. That's why there's cake mix out.
Ariana: oh um you caught me. I'm dying for some cake.
Joan: Ah! Finally, you have a crave.
Ariana: yup I guess I'll rather eat than sleep. I figured baking might help shut off my mind.
Joan: I understand I would always bake when I was pregnant with Jaden. If you need anything. I'll be right upstairs dear.

Time to bake!

About 40 minutes later...


God I want you so bad.. this cake looks so gooooood.

Jaden: Ahem.
OH MY GOD. Jaden!

Jaden: got a slice for me...?

Unexpectedly Pregnant ~ Jaden Hossler Where stories live. Discover now