Xavier: "Strong words, given how carefree you seem to be."

Venus: "Heheheh, well I like to be like the wind, so free and open. It is also why I like the outdoors. It is also why I spend most of my time in trees or just somewhere where the breeze is nice."

Xavier: "Not much of a town folks are you, heh."

Venus: "Not really, I do understand living in a nice cozy home and a place to help me. If I had to be honest I would like to avoid towns...for my own reason...but I can't because of two reasons."

Xavier: "And those are?"

Venus: "For one my friends, I like to talk to them if I can run into them. It's just we all rarely stay in one place, we're always traveling to different cities, towns, or villages."

Xavier: "I'm sure you will meet up with them at some point. I guess for this town you got me here."

Venus: "Heheh, that I do. And I'm grateful because of it."

Xavier: "So what was your second reason?"

Venus: "Well....heheh...*scratch face cheek*...for money...."

Xavier: "Excuse me?"

Venus: "I kind of need the money to survive so I go around to different bards and tarven and play them lovely songs to their heart's content and they pay me! HAHA!"

Xavier: *sweat drops* "I see, heheh."

Venus: "usually I just ask for boze that will suffice for me." He looked off to the side with a smirk.

Xavier: "Boze...? Wait, Venus you drink!?!"

Venus: "Why of course. Heheh. You're looking at one of the best drinkers in this world to the point I'm a 7 times world renown drinking champion!"

Xavier: "Venus that isn't something to be proud of!!"

Venus: "We need to go out drinking one these night."

Xavier: "Venus, first off I don't drink. I never have and I never will."

Venus: "Really? Why?"

Xavier: "I...something deep down tells me not to drink. So I don't have any plans on drinking."

Venus: "Awww you're no fun."

Xavier: "And second off I don't drag your drunk ass out a bar or anything. And probably end up paying for most of your drinks."

Venus: "Awwwww."

Xavier: "Thought so."

Another conversation between the two was when Xavier asked him if he knew anything about some gods of the world?

Venus: "Oh you're talking about the three gods who team up with the ten keys or the ten heroes?"

Xavier: "Basically. I never heard much about the story."

Venus: "Really? You never heard that story? What have you been living under a rock or something?"

Xavier: "Let's go with that...." Xavier looks off to the side with sweat coming down his face.

Venus: "Well nearly everyone in this world knows about the three gods and ten keys vs. this one evil god. For one there quote on quote 'the strongest beings' in this world and could probably take on everyone in this world with no difficulty."

Xavier: 'Given the three gods are my siblings... I'll believe it....'

Venus: "To be honest no one knows what happened to them after that battle. Some say they end up leaving and never coming back to this world. Others say they use up all their power and fall into an eternal slumber. To some the gods no longer exist."

The Birth of an Overseer: Slayer-The tales of an OverseerWhere stories live. Discover now