Chapter 4

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Howdy, Howdy we back with another chapter of The birth of an Overseer. This chapter, took me a minute to plan out right and correctly since I have to explain a few things this chapter and some more interesting things of note for this story. I hope you enjoy it.

Other then that,



Xavier has just woken up and looked outside to see the sun shining. He looked down and saw he was in an actual bed. He smiled and stretched; he looked off to the corner of the room and saw Bibi was rolled up into a ball with its tail wrapped around it.

Xavier got out of bed and made his way downstairs. As he got to his kitchen, he saw Kayla humming a happy tune at the table in the kitchen. Zero was messing with something that looked like a clock? His left eye was glowing. It looked like a clock...ticking? It must be something to do with his trait, maybe?

'Perfect' was cooking breakfast for all of them, and he had put food down on the kitchen table.

Kayla: "Ah you up, finally. You enjoy your rest in a bed finally."

Xavier: "I need it, believe me. Also breakfast smells delicious."

'Perfect': "Oh course, I'm an excellent cook. I can cook anything to perfection. HA!"

Xavier: "And now I'm reminded of your name...*sweat coming down his forehead* Anyway, let's eat."

Xavier pulls up a chair to the table. The Storm Family all took a seat, stopped what they were doing, and began digging into breakfast.

Kayla: "Damn 'Perfect' you really outdid yourself for this one. I see your skills in the kitchen haven't dropped at all."

'Perfect': "Of course. Buttt, I could have done better maybe heheh."

Xavier: "This is damn good, thanks bro."

'Perfect': "No problem, but don't get used to it. Soon or later we are going to teach you how to cook, since sooner or later you will be living mainly on your own and standing on your own two feet."

Zero: "Right, we're just here to be a guide for you. Once we know you can handle things on your own we will leave you alone."

Kayla: "Doesn't mean we won't come to visit, it just this is your place and we have our places and jobs and stuff."

Xavier: "I see, well thanks for what you guys have done for me so far."

Zero: "We family, family help one another when they need it. We might not hold your hand for everything but we're still siblings at the end of the day and it is our job as the older siblings to help and teach you."

Xavier: "I sometimes can't get a read on you, Zero...."

Zero: "You day...maybe."

Xavier: "*sigh* what is the plan of attack for today?"

Zero: "Today, we are going to a spot of importance given you will soon or later become the overseer for us. And the place we are going is one of the important landmarks in the Storm Domain."

Xavier: "Hmm? Alright."

Bibi: *burp!*

The family turned and saw Bibi on the floor, tearing through a fruit bowl. He looked at them with his smile while wagging his tail and went right back to eating.

The Birth of an Overseer: Slayer-The tales of an OverseerWhere stories live. Discover now