"...He's been acting strange recently-- stranger than usual. He's always been a weird child, I never really understood him. But now he's always in the attic, and ever since there has been demonic things going on in the house. Victor thinks it's haunted, but somehow I think Henry has something to do with this."

Brenner froze. Demonic?

"What?" he asked, his tone more curious and open to emotion.

"I know I sound crazy but every time something goes wrong, such as the radio randomly turning on or a lamp falling off a desk, I always see him looking distant and with a bloody nose. I think that he's been behind these horrible incidents," she shudders, spitting Henry's name out with such distaste.

Brenner knew she'd never been fond of Henry and favored Alice: the normal, sweet, innocent little girl. It was always the boy that stood on the furthest side in family photos; the one who received socks and clothes as birthday gifts while the other received dolls and toys.

"Nosebleeds? You think that maybe Henry could be the one causing these issues?"

He'd been studying the unordinary recently, opening the question of the existence of the supernatural. Of course, he doubted these hypotheses, but what if they were true? What if those years of research had an answer?

"Yes. And I know you've been observing these type of things recently, so I want you to at least take a look at him. I'll tell him that you're a normal psychologist, he won't suspect a thing."


Present day.

I woke up wanting to go back to sleep. I didn't want to leave the happy dream I was in. It was one of the first good dreams I've had in a while.

Peter and I were hand in hand, walking through a field of daffodils. They were bright yellow, reflecting the light of the golden sun. I felt free, for the first time in forever. Peter's hair was unkept but still perfect, and his skin glistened in the sunlight. His eyes were the clear, blue hue with the reflection of gold brightening his iris. He wore a white, loose shirt with suspenders and a jacket, like they did in the movies I've watched before the lab. It was like a fairy tale.

But of course, the sun had been replaced with white light, and the air was no longer warm. Everything had turned monochromatic, every shade of white to be seen. Nothing seemed golden anymore.

I rose from my position and peeled the covers off my body. I glanced at the alarm clock and realized I was ten minutes later than usual. Shit. At this rate, I was going to be late.

I quickly tossed off my gown and slipped on my uniform. The uniform Peter had given me still sat in my wardrobe, warded off separately from the others. I don't know why I kept it, I wasn't even going to wear it anytime soon. But something about it made me want to hold onto it forever.

I headed out the room in a hurry as I tied my hair back. I made a sharp turn and ran into something hard, making me fall backwards before a hand caught my waist.

I had opened my eyes expecting to find Peter standing over me, but instead there stood a tall, brown-haired man with sharp features (A/N: view cast list). His wavy locks sat perfectly resting on his head.

Clipboard guy.

His hands' firm grip on my waist softened when he pulled me up to standing position.

"And where are you off to in such a rush?"

His smile was endearing and friendly, which was strange since Peter was the only Orderly that actually knew how to smile.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you, I'm running late and wasn't watching where I was going-"

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