Story idea 2

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Life isn't the easiest for Bianca. She's been living on the streets for three years, hasn't had any companions or friends for two and hasn't spoke a single word out loud for one. The worst part? She has no memory of her life before.

All she remembers is her first name, the one thing that will never be taken from her. Her age, her parents, her birthday, it's all a secret to her.

She knows that it's not normal, something had happened before, something that made her lose all her memories. She hadn't even thought about trying to figure herself out until someone helped her understand that she had nothing to lose.

Mason Cross. The man who let her stay a few nights in his apartment. The man who fed her and let her shower for the first time in months. Mason knew who he was and to Bianca, nothing was a better inspiration.

She sets off on a journey to find out who she really is, Mason by her side. Their findings might be the thing that finally tears Bianca apart and Mason might be the only thing keeping her together.

Title suggestions:

Loosely tied





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