Story Idea 1

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After a teenage girl ( let's call her Wren , you can change it to suit you if you want to write something like this) catches her best friend ( She can be Shay for now) doing something she definitely shouldn't be doing, something Wren should definitely not have seen, Wren doesn't know what to do or think. She has known Shay her whole life and never suspected a thing, the girl was a master at lying and had a perfect look of innocence.

In the midst of Wren's confusion other's start getting involved, some more people Wren thought she could trust and then some that she should've suspected right from the the start of all this craziness. Wren finds herself digging deeper and deeper into the mystery, unable to stop herself even though she knows deep down how terrible the ending could be.

When Wren finally realises it is unsafe it is too late and she has already been sucked into a swirling pool or lies, betrayal and death. With no way out, Wren goes the only way she can, further in to the mess she's found herself in.

"I'm done Shay, I'll stop. Just let me leave now, I won't tell a soul"

"It's not that simple Wren, nothing ever was or is, you're just too ignorant to see it"

"Please Shay, I'll do-"

"It's too late. You're too late".

I realise now that this is pretty vague so I' ll give a couple of ideas for what she caught her friend doing.

. Drug dealing

. Some kind of gang related meeting

. Killing someone

I'm sure you'll think of something better but take it if you want to!

Some title suggestions:

Too late to go home

No way out


No light at the end of the tunnel

Story Titles And Ideas plus other random stuffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ