Talking with moms

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" What do you mean my Diana is in love with a girl? Tell me more about this Hellene and explain yourself Diana, what have you done with this Akko? " said curious Laura.

" Mum, we were just dancing together in the club that took place here, we started to follow the music, nothing special but in the end our faces were so close, especially my nose with hers, we almost kissed, but I ran away ashamed " Answers the eldest daughter.

" I saw everything, it was wonderful, I wish I could have gotten advances like that, but it seems that Mari... I mean, nothing, nothing, I didn't say anything " The youngest almost lets it slip about who she was into.

" Mari is it? Who is this Mari too Miss Hellene? " asked the redheaded mother.

" It seems that our girls are very busy with their hearts, it even seems like we are love, remember when I met you and you also met me, that feeling that we created, you were practically the keys to my chain " Bernadette said affectionately.

" We already know this story, mother... " said the two daughters.

" You had to see the chemistry between Diana and Akko, the two of them dancing with Careless Whisper, their faces getting close, they seemed to know each other for a long time, so much so that they almost kissed, I even think that they are using all this as an excuse to make out later hahaha " Hellene said while Diana stood with her arms crossed in shame.

" Oh how cute, is that Akko? " McLaren asked her mother.

Soon Hellene was taking her mobile phone and searching for pictures, showing the mothers a picture of the moment when they almost kissed, then changing to one where she took a picture of Akko to register the moment of the party, what the mothers were liking the new possible daughter"in"law, thinking she was pretty cute.
At Kagari'
s family home things were pretty calm, the mothers were talking to the daughter about romance and relationships, even if the daughter wasn't thinking much of it.

" I appreciate your help, but it's not that much... Even though Diana's being nice and all, I still don't think we'd ever fit in," Akko said.

" Why? Do you know her family? I'm sure they would accept you, Diana is also the fruit of a two"mother relationship " Morgana said and just then the Japanese woman's eyebrow arched.

" And how do you know that, Mother? Bernadette never spoke publicly about her relationship, nor do they show themselves to the media... " Said the daughter getting suspicious.

" I'm just guessing, I know Bernadette is a lesbian, so that part of the family doesn't have a problem, even if Diana is from a higher class, it's not like she cares about this issue, just because she was more friendly with you and the others, it just shows that she doesn't care about this," Morgana said with her hand on the shoulder of the line that was getting a smile on her face.

Saori soon arrives also with some pancakes, where they are starting to eat to replenish their energy, especially their daughter, who was still tired from the training with Croix and Ursula.
Back at Luna Nova, the conversation about romances was getting more and more relaxed, so much that soon Hellene was starting to tell about her roll with Marianne and how she was creating interest in her too.

" So, the Mari I told you about, her name is Marianne Leclerc, she's one of the orphans here, a really nice girl, we talk about anime, manga, she likes the things I like, not to mention she's cute " Hellene said showing a picture of the girl who was creating interest.

" She's pretty cute too, then we'll want to have a chat with our two daughters"in"law, just so we know if they'll be good girlfriends for our two girls heh " Said Laura putting on a bit of fear.

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