Chapter 3

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The three girls decided to take a walk home that day so that they could show Kyla where they all stayed and give her a small tour around the place before finally taking her home.

"what got you stuck there Luna you almost had us caught by them!" Rispa asked her after they had just left Ashly's house and now they were headed to her place.

"I don't even know, I just couldn't move," she said honestly not understanding what was even happening then.

"you should never let that happen again those are very bad people Luna, they do bad things to people!" Rispa warned her about them again.

"I don't understand," she said to them confused.

"we will introduce you tomorrow to the club and then you will understand the different classes in this school and this city," Ashly said to her, they were now just standing outside Kyla's place.

"Okay, and can you please introduce me as Kyla to them I don't want anyone calling me Luna I hope it's okay with you all," she said kindly to them.

"Okay, fine Kyla "Rispa said asking her to show them inside even though she was reluctant she led them inside the place.

"why is everything wrapped here?" Ashly asked looking around the place it looked very odd.

"We just moved in," she said to her and noticed her brother Fred who was walking in.

"Fred," she said running to bug him but he stopped her and told her to ask her friends to leave before their father came in.They could hear him from where he was and left before Kyla could tell them to.

"Why are you so cold to me? " she asked after noticing he was behaving strangely.

"it's nothing Kyla I came to tell you to pack your things you may leave early in the morning tomorrow," he said to her and was walking away to leave the place but Kyla stopped him.

"what is happening Fred, please tell me you are the only person I talk to apart from mum who I even don't know where she is," she said to him looking at him with very sad eyes.

"Kyla I have to leave," he said trying to avoid looking at her for he felt very sorry for her and he seemed terrified of her for some unknown reasons. He went on to walk but Kyla pulled him back forcefully and he looked very terrified of her.

"Why are you afraid of me? tell me Fred did I do something bad, I don't remember what happened after dad shot my friend I have had constant blackouts in that room I just need someone to tell me what's going on, please is that too much to ask for" she said now crying and Fred could not overlook that and walk away from her she was still her little sister even though he couldn't erase the images he had seen of her when she was locked in the darkroom.

"I am sorry Kyla I can't do anything to help you, I can only tell you this make sure you try and find happiness for my sake, I love you," he said to her and he could not hide the tears coming from his eyes Kyla had so many questions to what he meant but she only wanted to ask him one question.

"where is mum, Fred just answer me that," she said to him and he stood there for a long moment before he could answer her.

"she died," he said to her not looking at her.

"How did she die?" she asked him as tears flowed from her eyes, Fred was also trying to hide his tears and before he could answer her he wiped off his tears and looked up into her eyes.

"you killed her, you stabbed her with the machette dad gave you, I know you did not mean to," he said crying as he stretched his hand to hold her and she couldn't believe what she was hearing she couldn't believe she was the one who killed her mother.She felt then words pierce through her heart and she fell into Fred's arms not controlling her loud cry, he hugged her crying asking her to calm down but he could only give her all the time she needed although he did not have so much time left. Her legs were too weak to support her and she slid through Fred's arms to the ground Fred sat down with her for a moment.

"is that why we are moving?" she asked him after having all the time she needed to cry.

"no, you are the only one moving, we will be staying at another place," he said to her.

"where am I being taken, am I getting arrested?" she asked worriedly.

"no, dad said they are relatives, I don't know much so I can't answer all your questions I just know they are the ones sponsoring your education and they'll be taking care of you, be good to them he said her getting up to leave.

"so what becomes of my life?" she asked him still seated at the spot looking at him.

"All our lives have changed, nothing is as it used to be," he said to her and walked after hugging her goodbye.She couldn't sleep that night but only thought of how fast everything was changing for her, if she knew turning 18 was going to change things so fast in her life she would have wished to live at 17 forever, sleeping alone in that big house gave her no peace, but she neither longed for morning to come for she knew she was going to be introduced to anew family she nothing about and live with them for the rest of her life when all she wanted was her mother.

Not getting any sleep she got up from bed and decided to fond put about the people sponsoring her and exactly who was she going to live with, she knew she could run to wherever her legs would take her but she wanted to know who these people were before she made any choice.The Thompsons were a very wealthy family and so when she looked for their information she was able to learn a lot about how successful they have been over the past years. They were a family of 4 and they had 2 children a girl named Emily Thompson and a boy named Seth Thompson.

she looked at their pictures and that's when she realised the picture of Seth was of a boy he had seen earlier with the group of boys that her friends were running away from.

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