Chapter 1

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"happy birthday too youuuuu....." Kyla could hear a familiar voice sing from afar but it was coming from the house. She had tried to get some sleep that night but she wasn't able and all she could do is toss around the bed. She sat upright after hearing the voice singing and one other voice joined in singing the birthday song."Could it be?.." she thought her mind running to all conclusions of why she heard very familiar voices singing in the middle of the night. She turned on her table on her right and checked on her clock that was supposed to wake her up early tomorrow to check her results. She had just finished high school and was waiting to receive her final results from the university she had been called to, not that she even applied for any. She wasn't sure if her father would let her study further but she hoped she would.It was exactly midnight, it was her birthday and the day had just begun, she couldn't understand why the two familiar voices were singing was this a birthday surprise at midnight, this made her think deeply she knew there was no way her father would do for her something like this.She was still in her white pyjamas when she got from her bed and walked towards the direction from which she could hear her father and brother's voice sing, it wasn't coming from the living room and so she turned left to the room she had been warned severally not to dare enter come but this night she couldn't help but go ahead and open the door.Her father was holding a very big machete and her brothers looked very terrified and were just next to him, her brother kelvin was staring at something in the corner and he was shivering with his mouth wide open, while her older brother Fred was looking at her in worry trying to warn her to leave that room as soon as she could.Kyla looked around and felt fear run through her body when she notices the blood in the room, some places were dark she couldn't see clearly what was there but when she turned to look at where kelvin was looking she let out a cold shrieking loud scream, a man was laying there dead and everywhere in the room where dead bodies and some looked like they were animals she couldn't tell what they were."that's, not a good way to say thank you for the birthday song Luna," her father said looking at her, he always called her by her second name and that had caused her to dislike her name, her father was a cruel man towards her and never once had he ever shown her love like he loved his sons, but her mother was the sweetest and she had grown to love her mother dearly who would always protect her from her father every time but she hated her father."what's going on?" she asked as tears flow out of her eyes, her mind trying to understand what was all this and why so many dead bodies she had often heard screams and weird noises coming from that room but she never thought her cruel father was capable of murder."What is he doing here?" she asked screaming at her father when she noticed her best friend peter tied up in the corner of the room bleeding."he is your birthday gift, now take this machete and cut the cake luna!!" his father yelled at her handing her the machete but she did not take it, he held her arms angrily like he would hold her every time he would beat her up and force d her to take the machete."father please, spare her!" Freed pleaded with his father."shut up! You don't talk when am talking okay!!" he yelled at nim turning to home with the machete and with fear he moved back and said nothing.It was at that moment when Kyla opened her eyes to see whose those other bodies belonged and she realised her father was a serial killer who was killing people in the town that were missing most of them she knew because they were close to her best friend but they were not her friends."father please stop!" she yelled at him placing away all her fears of this man she had grown to fear and tremble every time she would hear him call her name. Her scream had caused her mother to wake up she was not feeling well and so Kyla's father Mr Richard had overdosed her with some drugs that night but the scream coming from her house cause her to wake up, she was feeling very tired and heavy and she was so weak but she managed to drag herself tom the room she heard her husband yell at Kyla.She was not surprised by what was going on but was very angry at her husband for doing this today."Richard get that machete away from her!" she yelled to him but her husband was not listening to anyone he kept on pushing Kyla to go ahead and kill her friend and was not answering any of her questions, why did he want her to do this when he had killed every other man in that room."father why?" she said crying to her father who took a gun out after realising she is resisting and promised to kill her friend if she wasn't going to do it, her mother was getting close to her trying to move her away from that room but she could not walk out and let her only friend be killed. she kept on yelling for her to leave her and asking her father to not kill him, but before she knew it Mr Richard had released the bullet and it went flying straight to her friend's head killing him on the spot.she jumped at her father still holding the machete but her father pushed her back even before she could get to him but when she fell back the machete went straight through her mother's chest, and she fell on top of her with the machete going through her mother and the last thing she could see was her mother's eyes looking straight into hers with a weak cry.

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