"You did?"This time it was the little boy who spoke. It was the first time he did.

"Of course. Me and my friends", Mike said as he looked at the boy and shot him a smile. "And we won."

"But you are alone now"

"The others would look after me"

"I don't know if they are stupid or sheer courageous for doing that, "The girl said. "But Luke is right. You are alone now. "And hurt. "If your friends are indeed looking for you and by any chance, they stumble here and find us, then wait for the whiteout moving"

"Fine" Mike said with a sigh. Even if he agreed so easily. If that clown would come downstairs, he would not care how much his body hurt and how injured he is. Not if it means protecting these two siblings who had been so kind to him. And comforting. The sister was still brushing her fingers through his hair and the brother was still gripping his hand as tight as a boy his age could. But he guess that this one was comfort for both of them.

The past couple of hours were spent listening to the siblings' stories about their life. Mike asked some questions here and there and answered some questions that had been addressed as well. But he tried to speak as little as possible. Because it hurt. Breathing hurt as well. But it's not like he can stop breathing. Well, he can.  But you know. Then he would die. Michelle stopped talking and all three of them tensed when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Mike thought that his friends had found him. But that thought died down when he heard a familiar cackling followed by the sight of a very familiar clown. "He he. We meet again Richie" It said as he jumped in front of them. 

"Don't be scared", he told them.

"It's easier to say", the girl said as she shielded her brother.

"What do you want? Why kidnap me and keep me alive? Why all the mental attacks? This is how you do it now? Why you didn't kill me? Why you didn't kill them?"Mike threw all the questions at the clown who only give him a big smile full of teeth.

"Beep Beep Richie. Did anyone tell you that you speak too much?" he asked and Richie flinched. He hate it when the clown did that. Even after they drafted him, or they thought that they destroyed him, and his friends said Beep Beep, it made him flinch as he remembered the clown.

"Answer the question filth"He spat out.

"Why should I do that? Hmm?"IT asked and he moved closer to him until their face were inches apart and then sniffed him. "I can smell your fear. It's delicious"

"I'm not afraid of you, "Mike said with a glare. The clown might have sensed that because he looked unpleased. And an unpleased IT is scarier than a happy one. He grabbed him by his arms and lifted him up and Mike fought the urge to not cry out in pain. 

"You would be," he said before he opened his mouth very large and he could hear the siblings crying out in fear. Mike looked at the clown's mouth or more like inside of his mouth, and he could see three lights. He could hear screams and he find himself unable from moving or looking away.


There were some voices coming from upstairs and the clown had noticed as well because he disappeared. Hopefully, he left because he was a coward and not to attack the newcomers. Also hopefully those people are the friends Mike told them about and not some strangers. Michelle pulled her brother away before she stood up and walked where Mike floating. He was high, almost touching the ceiling, but she could see his eyes were white. "Mike"', she shouted and jumped to pull him back. But she only managed to touch the cuff of his pants. "Fuck",she cursed. Her eyes jumped to the stairs when she heard footsteps coming down and made a sign for her brother to come to her. Luke stood up and walked to her obediently and pressed himself to her side. Soon enough multiple people walked downstairs. People around Mike's age, a little older, and two grown-ups as well. They all called Mike and Richie at the same time.

When the old and new life collideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang