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Start from the beginning

"Isamu and Aki think I'm weak! They don't think I deserve to be a ninja. Am I that bad?! " He whimpered.

"First off, did they say that too you. And second off, you're a great ninja, but I noticed you hesitate in training. You don't want to hurt you're teammates. " Sasuke explained.

Makoto sighed. "Maybe I'm just not cut out to be a ninja. " That's where Sasuke drew the line he gathered the team and brought them to the training grounds discreetly.

"You two. You're going to work together to beat Makoto. Think of this as a training exercise. If you beat Makoto I'll cook you anything you want but if you lose you have to do hundred push-ups each! " Sasuke stated sternly.

They all nodded. Before they fought Sasuke bent down to Makoto. "Listen to me, you're a great ninja! And it's okay to hesitate once in a while. But today, I want you to go at those two with everything you got, imagine those two are people who've hurt you the most in the world. " Sasuke smirked.

Makoto nodded and ran off to the other side of the two teammates. Sasuke gave them the okay and they started hand to hand combat. Makoto dodged as Akimitsu kicked by his head and Isamu tried to swipe his legs.

He's still holding back...

Isamu started lightning style hand signs and three lightning balls at Makoto that knocked him down. Words kept ringing in Makotos head.

"Fight to survive! " Makoto got up and his once pale green eyes were now a darker green color. He lept towards Akimitsu and started hand to hand combat in a fast motion.

Akimitsu couldn't keep up. He fell to the ground and Makoto kicked him to the tree harshly. Sasuke nodded satisfied.

Makoto went over to Isamu. He flashed a few hand signs and flowers started flying around him disguising himself in the charade of flowers surrounding Isamu.

One by one Isamu was being struck by Makotos kicks and punches until he fell to the ground.

Makoto stopped the jutsu and Sasuke was impressed. "All three of you come here. " Sasuke stated. They all gathered around him.

"Now tell what you learned today. " Sasuke smirked as the two boys learnt that there teammate that they thought was 'weak' was actually stronger than both of them.

"I learned that if you judge you're opponent before actually seeing there fighting style you lose the upper hand. " Sasuke nodded at Isamu then looked at Aki.

"That Makotos strong and I shouldn't underestimate him. " Sasuke smiled and nodded.

"Now apologize for excluding him. " Sasukes mom mode kicked in. "We're sorry Makoto we didn't mean too. " They both said simultaneously.

"Now do the push ups. " Sasuke smirked walking of the Makoto.

Sasuke got home and everyone was gone. " Sasuke where did you run off to? " Naruto asked walking out of the kitchen.

"Oh...just having a bit of fun. " Sasuke smirked kissing Narutos cheek. Naruto had a nervous look on his face.

"What did you do. " He inquired Sasuke acted like he didnt know what he was talking about and with a wink he walked off to play with his son.

Naruto chuckled loudly continuously washing dishes. He whistled his little tune putting them in the drying rack and than taking off the apron he had on.

He yawned and went to go shower and retire for the night. He was tired, hosting all you're friends isn't easy. After Naruto showers he went into Menmas room and saw Sasuke playing with Menma with action figures.

Naruto smiled at them. His husband is just to adorable and anyone would agree. And I mean anyone cause if anyone said anything less Naruto would put them into a chokehold in five seconds flat.

Sasuke looked at the doorway to see his Husband. "Come to tuck him in? " Sasuke asked.

"No! I wanna sleep with you guys! " Menma pouted. Sasuke chuckled ruffing Menmas spiky black locks.

"Maybe tomorrow. You should sleep in you're bed. " Sasuke stated. Menma shook his head no. He wanted to sleep with his parents.

"Yeah sorry bud, only the baby in mommy's tummy gets to sleep with us now. " Naruto teased Menmas jaw dropped.

"But! That's not fair. " Menma whined stomping his foot. Sasuke snorted.

"He's kidding you can sleep in our bed. " Menma smiled and ran off into Naruto and Sasukes bed laying down in the middle.

Sasuke laid on the right while Naruto was on the left. Sasuke hugged Menma while he slept. Naruto thought it was the cutest thing ever so he secretly took a photo on his instant camera.

He left it on the bed side table and slowly frosted off into a deep sleep holding Menma and Sasuke.

Word count:1160

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