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- hyeongjun's point of view.

c'est une chanson, qui nous ressemble,
toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais.
nous vivions, tous les deux ensemble,
toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais.

- Les Feuilles Mortes by Jacques Prévert
[translation: The Dead Leaves by Jacques Prévert]


c'est une chanson, qui... qui nou ressemble, toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais... nous a- wait no, it's nous vivions... i corrected myself, as i continue to recite the poem.

it was a beautiful famous french poem, a masterpiece indeed.

❝nous vivions, tous les deux ensemble-❞ the door to my room swung open,

❝oh- sorry, are you reviewing?❞ revealing minhee in his casual home fashion.

❝oh, this? yes❞ i answered with a smile, raising the papers i am holding.

❝what subject?❞ minhee asked, now making himself comfortable at the edge of my bed.

❝french❞ i replied, handing him another copy for him to see.

❝language of romance, cool. mind reciting it again?❞ he asked, then i recited everything to him.

❝i want to understand this part...❞ he asked, right after i finished my recitation, pointing to a certain stanza that i have highlighted.

❝which one?❞

❝the one you've highlighted with sage green,❞ he replied.

c'est une chanson, qui nous ressemble : it's a song that now reminds me of us, ❞ i nodded and soon started, reciting a certain part, from french to english.

toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais : you who loved me, me who loved you.

as i translated each part to him, i can see him paying close attention to the copy i have handed him a while ago.

❝nous vivions tous les deux ensemble : we lived together,❞ i continued, flipping the sheets.

❝toi qui m'aimais, moi qui t'aimais : you who loved me, me who loved you.❞ i ended, by placing the sheets down carefully.

❝the translation sounds very poetic, is french your elective?❞ the taller asked,

i nodded, ❝ french is actually not in my options, but somehow things changed and made me choose this instead.❞

❝now wonder what do you mean by that thing❞ minhee teased, wearing those sly smile of his. we both laughed.

❝what about you? what did you choose for elective?❞ i asked in return.

❝i didn't choose any, they told me it's fine❞ minhee answered, casually.

❝what?!❞ i exclaimed, i am actually surprised. ❝no one even told me that!❞ i huffed.

but he just laugh, adding ❝maybe because i used to be in a sports team?❞

❝that university sucks, can't wait to leave there❞ i added,

❝stop sulking, you're doing great with your french though.❞ he replied with a warm smile, ruffling my hair.


'prelim was about to start.' he thought, heaving a sigh. finding himself inside the library, once again.

why did i even choose wednesday for a free time, i should have just choose the same day as minhee.❞ hyeongjun sighs for the nth time today.

pen on his fingers- spinning, twisting, and even tapping it slightly on his desk. you name it.

❝this is so boring, might as well do something fun.❞ he said, taking a sticky note out of his pencil case.

writing down :

hey, i am bored. if anyone happens to see this. please tell me if you're bored too. leave a reply here. please don't throw this note away, this is not a vandalism. thank you

- hj.

he stick it carefully on the desk, ❝since i usually sit in a nearly isolated table, only few people would notice this.❞ he said before he stood up to leave, with a thought of

'now let's wait and see if there's atleast someone who will reply'

unbeknownst to him, there's also someone who sits just across his favourite spot. and has been watching him with a smile.

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