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when did things even started?

is it from the time where i first landed my eyes on him? or was it the time where i spilled my coffee on his coat?

maybe it was from the time where i first saw him smile in my direction?

–or was it the time where i was given the chance to sit beside him in one of our class?

i lost track of things and even the time where everything started. all i could remember was the time where i listed down all the things i noticed– from the smallest details up to his whole existence.

one of the thing i wrote was, the way his eyes would turn into crescent-like shape whenever he's smiling sincerely.

the way his lips curl into a downward smile and his ears would turn red whenever he's shy or embarrassed about something.

the sound of his laugh, it was like a melody for my ears. i may sound like a total creep by now but that was just based from what i can observed in our everyday scenario, as him being my classmate.

he stood out so well, even when he's in the crowd. he got this dominating aura surrounding him. making it hard for someone to ignore him once he stepped his foot in the room.

he's just something else.

the way his tone would change in a slightest bit depending on what he's feeling, he doesn't even try concealing them. he was just too honest and open.

he's attractive, no– attractive is an understatement, he's an epitome of perfection.

but what makes him perfect? what makes him attractive? and lastly, what makes him popular?

could it be that–

hyeongjun, you're spacing out... my train of thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice, calling out my name.

oh minhee– hi? i greeted, slightly taken aback.

penny for your thoughts? he asked, smiling.

nothing, i was just thinking if we have any assignments from other classes i reasoned out, he raised an eyebrow.

yeah, whatever you say. staring at someone for god knows how long is an assignment. he added, pulling the ‘i am not buying any of your shit’  look on his face.

i chuckled at his response. he's always been like that, i am so used to it.

it all started when i was four and he's five, we used to lived in the same neighbourhood and that's when our friendship starts, until we become inseparable from that day onwards.

we're of the same age and was initially from different schools before but now we're classmate, what did i do?  it's kind of obvious.

i actually kind of persuaded my mom to enroll me in the same class as him back when we were still young. i was so naive and stubborn back then and i had my priorities straight.

... and that is, to be in the same  school as minhee  no matter what.

however, we're quite the opposite of each other. he's popular and well loved by everyone. while me, i am the outcast– no, not a total outcast, just someone who prefers to be lowkey and maintain a peaceful life as a normal freshman student in this university. 

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