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it's the second week of being classmates with someone like him.

not minhee of course.

and you know what? today, i've discovered new things about him. minhee told me that he likes music and he used to be in a band, doing gigs every time he's free.

but now, he's not doing gigs that often anymore. as he wanted to focus more on his studies.

the reason why minhee suddenly brought him up is because, they're both a student athlete. so they get to spend time together every practice.

how admirable, isn't it? he's such an active student. no wonder he's popular.

but is that all the reason as to why he's popular? i don't know. perhaps there's something more than that.

perhaps... it's his good looks, tall physique, and his beautiful smile.

or his soft voice whenever he's speaking...

or it could be his demeanor alone, maybe he's born to be on the spotlight?

i used to see him being surrounded by students during free time, everyone around him seems to be fond of him.

well, why wouldn't they? he's just so irresistible and magnetic. i can't help but watch him from afar, i can't even bring myself up to him and greet him like how classmates are.

is this how it feels to admire someone secretly?

well, i guess. it's not a bad idea at all.

❝uhm, hey?❞ called a voice, snapping me out of reverie.

u-uh yes?❞ i asked, voice hesitating.

the guy then chuckled softly,

❝are you taken?❞ he asked,

what? am i hearing it right?

❝uh... what?

❝oh wait- i mean, is this seat taken?❞ he added, i can feel him panicking slightly.

i stifled a laugh, trying not to look rude and offensive.

❝it's okay, you can laugh. so yeah, is this seat taken?❞ he said, wearing a warm smile that made me feel shy. perhaps i was just embarrassed.

❝no, not at all❞ i replied, feeling slightly embarrassed.

❝i'm taeyoung, physics major.❞ he added, smiling directly at me.

he's such a friendly guy, i must say.

hyeongjun, majoring in film studies❞ i replied, he looks a bit surprised.

❝oh– that's an interesting one, what made you choose that?❞ he asked, is he interested or what?

❝are you interested or what?❞ i unconsciously blurted out the thoughts in my mind. as soon as i realized, i cover my mouth with my palm. shocked.

❝sorry! i didn't mean it in that way–❞

❝i am fully interested, no worries. i'm not just trying to keep the conversation because i feel obligated to, it was more on the 'i want to keep this conversation because i am interested' side. he explained, voice soft and warm.

❝thank you,❞ i said in a small, inaudible voice. 

❝and your answer is?❞ he repeated, looking totally invested as from what i observed.

❝because i love watching films of different genres, i dream of creating one of my own in the future. that's why i took film studies. in hopes of being successful in this field someday❞ i answered, smiling at the thought.

❝i hope you achieve those dream of yours❞ he replied, still smiling.

i nodded slightly, it feels new to have someone to talk to except minhee.

i was about to talk more when–

taeyoung, let's go!❞ a voice from the distance called out to him.

❝oh, they're calling you❞ i said, instead.

❝yeah, they really know how to interrupt good times❞ he joked,

❝is that your friend?❞ i asked, not trying to sound like i am prying or something.

❝yes, that guy took engineering as his major. i don't know why but he said that it will make him look more cool❞ he shrugged,

i laughed. his friend resembles minhee in that part.

❝so hyeongjun...❞ he said,

hm?❞ i hummed in response.

❝see you around, i think we'll see each other often this semester❞

i nodded. he then give me a soft pat on my shoulder before finally leaving.

❝ ... ❞

❝are you even listening?❞ i asked,

no❞ he replied, shortly.

❝for real?❞ i asked, disbelief.

you, pacing back and forth, distract me more than your stories❞ he replied.

❝what i'm saying is that, i hate this one professor who keeps on giving us tasks and such without even conducting any classes.❞ i repeated,

he laughed.

what now?❞ i asked, raising an eyebrow.

you look like a kettle, a boiling kettle to be exact.❞

❝i am serious here, can't you see?❞ i added, looking really annoyed right now.

❝i can see, but it would be better if we will just go out and eat. my treat❞ he suggested, smiling.

kang minhee,  seriously?❞ he nodded,  ❝i am ranting here and such. while you're just thinking about eating outside? ❞

❝you can't blame me, food is my comfort and stress reliever. so let's go now, to cool your head down ❞ he answered, dragging me out of my room.

forget all about your anger and let yourself get drown in the presence of food❞ he added, as soon as we got inside his car.

❝what are you? a priest exclusively for food?❞

he laughed,  ❝you could say that❞

minhee and his way of dealing with me is totally something else.

— t b c —

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