What Comes Next, Kate Bishop?

Start from the beginning

"Yelena?" The sleep filled voice asked as she ran her hands over her face. "What? How? Why?"

"Those are all very good questions," she shrugged her head to one side. "Pick one and ask it."

"How did you get into my apartment?"

"Through the window," she pointed upstairs to the window she had left open when she crawled through it. "Are you not excited to see me?"

Kate looked at the woman standing in front of her. The last time Yelena was in her apartment she had feared that this very dangerous woman wanted to kill her only to find out she had made macaroni and wanted to have a girls' night. It was one of the strangest encounters Kate had ever had though it wasn't completely unenjoyable until she found out that Yelena was sent to murder Clint. Obviously that didn't happen and her mentor had gone into very minimal details about what transpired between the two of them at Rockefeller Center during that fight. "You didn't kill Clint," was the only thing she could think to say. "I'm assuming that means you aren't here to kill me either. Well maybe you are. I seem to have made quite a few enemies in the past two weeks. Are you here to kill me?"

"No," Yelena's lips thinned.

"Because why would you wake me up to kill me, right?"

"Exactly. You'd have been dead immediately and I would've taken your dog."


"He's a very sweet boy. Reminds me of my Fanny," Yelena called the dog back with a whistle and watched as Lucky came running back down the stairs, running right into her open arms.

"Your what?"

"You must be hard of hearing, Kate Bishop. Always asking for me to repeat myself," she sighed. "So annoying. My dog. Fanny."

"Oh," realization dawned on the brunette. "Fanny is your dog. Not your umm," she gave a side smile, "your actually fanny."

Yelena furrowed her eyebrows, "no. Though my ass is spectacular, I was referring to my dog."

"Right," Kate cleared her throat, not letting her mind wander to the assassin's ass. "So what are you doing here?"

"You invited me for a drink? Yes?" Kate just stared at the Widow waiting for her to continue. "During our fight. You said we should go out for drinks. Well, I'm here now. Drinks. Let's go."

"For drinks," Kate repeated.

"This is what you are wearing?" She looked Kate up and down. She was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a very old and worn Avengers hoodie. Her hair was falling out of its ponytail and her eye make up was smudged from her nap.

"I wasn't expecting company," Kate took a look at her outfit and then at Yelena who was wearing a pair of black jeans and that yellow checkered coat. She couldn't see what was underneath but Kate was sure it was leagues above her current status. "Can I take a rain check?"

"What is this rain check?" Yelena was trying not to let her frustrations show.

"Can we do this another night?" Kate gave her a small smile. "I just got back into town. I'm not the best company right now."

"You invited me for drinks. I am not picky. Is there vodka here?" She started walking around Kate's apartment towards the kitchen area, opening all of the cabinets until she found what she was looking for. "Aha!" She pulled out a bottle of grey goose. "Not my usual but we can work with this." She took a note of the other alcohol in the cabinet and went to see if she had mixers in the fridge. "Straight vodka?" She looked over at Kate who had a grimace on her face. "Okay," she went to the door and grabbed Lucky's leash. "I will take this dog for a walk and stop at the corner store. You can prepare to entertain me when I get back. Yes?" Kate couldn't do anything but nod her head, staring at the woman giving commands like it was her job. Was giving commands part of her job? What even was her job now? The brunette had so many questions. "Get out of your head, Kate Bishop," she bent over and clipped the leash to Lucky's collar. "Don't get lost in there," she smirked and used her index finger to point to her own head. "We'll be back."

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