My Fanny says Hello

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"Нет мамы. Отпусти это," Yelena stormed through the house until she got to the room designated as her own. The small farm outside of St. Petersburg became her home after reuniting with her mother and father upon successfully destroying the red room. The surrogate family stuck together and worked to formulate more red powder in hopes of freeing all of the remaining Widows from their subjugation. Following all of the trackers, there were only a few Widows left that still needed to be set free. It was Yelena's mission before and after the blip to do so; however, after finding out what happened to her sister, she got swept up in contract killing. She was born and raised to be a killer and she was good at it. Plus, it was easy money. Yelena wasn't picky about much of anything in life. Get a job, kill someone, get paid and get out. It was an easy life. She loved the sense of adventure and danger which she felt would never truly leave her. The adrenaline rush was like the best drug she could ever imagine. When Val approached her with Barton's picture, she thought she could get revenge for her sister's death but something happened that sent her on a different mission. She still wasn't sure what the mission was but she knew she was destined to see it through.

There was more knocking on the door followed by some pleading words for her to open the door. "Хватит. Это не подлежит обсуждению," she had said that in hopes that Melina would leave her alone for awhile. She loved her parents but they could be overwhelming at the best of times. She had come back for Russian Christmas and it was a lovely time filled with gifts, memories and lots of vodka. She even managed to track down one of the Widows still in Russia and set them free. Waking up the Widows was always a trying time. After waking up from the subjugation, the Widows would experience a lot of feelings and Yelena made sure she was there to help them come to terms with everything. Then they would be taken to her mother to help them remove their trackers in the safest way possible. Melina and Alexei set up a safe space for the Widows to stay until they got on their feet. The Widows were free to stay as long as they wanted and they were even offered jobs around the farm. It was a shock how much the Russian government was willing to pay to keep everything under wraps after they found out about the women and children of the Red Room.

"We just thought you were coming home for good," Melina's voice carried through the closed door.

"I'm not done with my work in America," Yelena yelled back. "I told you this mama."

"Yelena. I'm coming in," she heard the loud voice of her father appear through the door.

"Please don't," her sentence was cut off by the looming beastly man entering through the door frame that looked tiny around him. "Your mother misses you. I miss you," he said, entering fully and sitting down on the chair opposite Yelena's bed.

"I'm very missable," she smirked when she saw the confused look cross her father's face. "Look," she sighed and rested her head against the side of her bed from her seat on the floor. "There are a few widows left in Europe and a handful in America. I figured you and mom could handle the ones here and me and Sonya can take care of the Widows in America."

"Then you come home?"

"Well," Yelena shrugged, "there is more to do."

"Contract killing?" He asked with a business-like tone to his voice.

"No pop. Not contract killings," then Yelena considered that. "Well maybe in the future. I haven't ruled that out yet."

Melina opened the door and entered, "does this have something to do with the Avengers? Have they reached out to you?"

"The Avengers?" Alexis scoffed, "nyet. My daughter has no business with those phony superheroes." He crossed his arms over his chest, "right?"

"I have no interest in being a 'superhero'," she accentuated the word with air quotes. "Though, one of them did manage to find me."

From Russia with Begrudging Acceptance Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα