I ~ Pizza-Burger.

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- Kindly note that this is a book based on characters studying Musical Theater, which means that there will be chapters containing song lyrics that the characters sing and several performances described.

- This is a work of pure fiction with ideas that came out of the writer's imagination. All events, characters, and places mentioned in this book are not at all related to any real-life instances.

- Although some of the places in this book are inspired by real-life locations, anything related or similar to real-life happenings is purely coincidental.

- In case any of the information in this book concerning university classes, building structures, professors, ways the students of Musical Theater behave, or what the major entails turns out to be wrong, please let me know kindly in the comments section and provide corrections so I can ponder over them and make adjustments where necessary.

Thank you.


"That's the last of it," I mumble to myself, dropping the hand luggage I held onto the floor of my new bedroom.

"Can you come help me with this?" My sister called out from the living room.

I walked out of my room and saw her struggling under the weight of a large wooden easel. I shook my head and helped her move it to her room.

"Did you really have to bring this along? You could've just gotten a new one here." We set it down on the floor in a corner of the empty room, and she placed a hand on the top of the wood.

"It was too tempting not to. Besides, since I already had it, it would've been a waste not bringing it," she said with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes as she marveled at the easel and trudged back to my room to start unpacking.

I never expected that I would travel hundreds of miles across the earth to begin a new life. I actually liked my former life, my friends, everything I was used to.

America isn't that far off from Canada, but you get the gist.

Things happened so quickly in only a month that gave my life a whole 180. School starts for me this winter, that's why it was important for us to move here as fast as possible.

Though here isn't exactly where I wanted to be.

"I don't think I can unpack everything right now."

The exhaustion from the events of the past month started seeping in. I slid down the side of the bed frame to the floor. My outstretched leg hit my suitcase and caused it to slowly roll a few feet away from me.

I yawned and blinked slowly. I was starting to feel sleepy. I was one step away from fully immersing into the dreamworld when I heard one knock before the door flung open. My eyes flew open in shock and focused on my sister's frame.

"Mom asked us to get a few things we need. This house has nothing at all." My sister shook the dollar bills in her hand- the American ones.

I suppressed a groan and plucked myself off the floor.

I really wanted to sleep.

"Did she go somewhere?" I asked her while rubbing my right eye with the back of my hand.

"Yeah. She left with Joe to sort out some documents."

Jo is my older brother. Sasha's my older sister- the oldest out of the three of us. I'm the youngest.

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