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Luke's POV

I saw her.

I saw Max leaving with some other guy and my chest ached and my head pounded.

I didn't tell the boys because I needed to think things through first, I needed to talk to her. I just, I had to.

But in the mean time I was lying in my bed staring at the ceiling and thinking about her eyes, and her lips, and her hair. Her fucking blue hair. And I wanted nothing more than to kiss her, but I was mad at her.

I was angry that she left with someone else. She kissed me, and then left with another guy.

Maybe that's why she ushered me off so quickly, so that she could find another guy.

Well, she found one, and she was probably in his apartment right now, doing God knows what.

My blood boiled at the thought. I shot up walking across the room to retrieve my phone. I read her message for the millionth time, seething in anger.

Why the hell was I this mad? We just started dating yesterday.

I had no right to think we were anything. It was just a date, it didn't even matter. But for some reason it mattered to me, it mattered a lot.

I decided to sleep this anger away, and worry about this in the morning. My eyelids were dropping too much for me to think about this.

I crawled into my bed, cursing myself for not kissing her harder, for not making her want me they way I wanted her.

I sang to her, I watched her dance to my songs, and she went home with another guy. What am I supposed to do with that?

I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging slightly in exhaustion. I should've kissed her so hard and held her so close, she wouldn't be able to think of anything but me. And I didn't, and she went to someone else.

I hated that.

I needed to sleep it off, and come back with a clear head.

I fell against my pillow, wishing Max was sleeping next to me again, and hating that she wasn't. Before I closed my eyes and let sleep overtake me.

* * * * * *

I woke up still seething, I mean how could she? I know we weren't official and it was only our first date, but I thought she liked me. But I must've been wrong because she wouldn't have left if she did.

She wouldn't have found someone else if she did.

And on top of that she lied about what she was doing and where she was going.

I was mad. Mad at her. But mostly mad at myself for still wanting to kiss her, even after everything.

She was just, Max, and it was intoxicating.

I couldn't get enough of her and maybe that why this was bothering me so much. Because while I couldn't get enough of her, she couldn't get enough of some random guy.

I needed to clear my head, once and for all. I knew what I had to do. Grabbing my keys and wallet and stumbling out my bedroom door, I nearly crashed into Ashton.

"Woah, hey mate! I was just about to check and see if you were up. We-"

"I wanna go clubbing. Right now." I interrupted him. He stared at me, wide eyed and confused.

"Wh-what?" He stuttered.

"You heard me, I wanna go clubbing. Now." I repeated, my patience and sanity running thin.

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