XI. ᴘᴇʀꜰᴇᴄᴛ, ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴀ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴛʜᴇɴ

Start from the beginning

"Is that even a question? I'm obviously in" he grabbed her by the neck and brought their lips together, she felt butterflies rise in her stomach, it was the first time that he initiated a kiss, it was always her who did

"Alright, I'll pick you up at 9:00" knowing he didn't have a car, nor a license

"That's great" he confirmed

"Perfect, it's a date then" she smiled brightly, pecking her lips onto his one more time before walking away and getting lost in the herd of students that wanted to get out of  school as fast as possible. Eli stood there a couple of seconds until her words registered on his brain, and he suddenly felt anxious, but like, a good anxious, he was looking forward to that date, but felt like shitting his pants because it was his first date ever and on top of that it would be with the girl he's had a crush on since middle school, and he really didn't wanna mess it up, even after they had already kissed several times and cuddled the whole night


Halley was freaking out, she had an hour and a half before her date with Eli and she had no idea what to wear, how much makeup to wear or how she was gonna do her hair. Her being worried about all of that was stupid because it wasn't the first time her and Eli would go to the movies together, but to her it just felt different and didn't know what to do with that, so she called the only person who knew her enough to give her a good advice but not enough to actually call her stupid to her face

"....That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" scratch that, Robby had just called her stupid to her face, well not to her face, as her phone was in her bed and the only thing the boy could see was the white seeling of Halley's room

"Wow, Thank you, that's exactly what I needed to hear"  she said rolling her eyes while struggling to put a pair of jeans on

"Listen- " he paused for a second trying to organize his words "It's just, the whole situation is stupid, you've known the guy since you can remember, you and him have been best friends for ages, you guys have held hands, sleep in each others bed, cuddled, and recently you've also been kissing, you being nervous about going to the movies with him is just illogical "

"I mean, yeah, but.... it's different" she sighed "You don't get it. That's not why I called you anyway, I wanted your opinion on my outfit" she grabbed her phone and placed it on her vanity and took a few steps back so he could see the whole thing. Robby examined it as if he was a professional stylist, if he was gonna give his opinion he was gonna do it right

"Okay, It's good, it looks nice..." he looked unsure

"But...?" she encouraged him to continue

"It just doesn't convince me"

"You hate it" 

"I hate it" he confirmed nodding, he watched as the girl took her hands and put them through her hair, looking as if she was gonna rip it from one tug "I think it's the jeans, maybe change those" he kept going as if Halley wasn't having a literal mental breakdown on the other side of his screen 

"Alright, I'll change them" she threw the phone on her bed again and went back to look at his closet that was half empty as half of her clothes were scattered everywhere, after a few seconds of silence and deep meditation on her life choices while looking around her messy room, her eyes caught the glimpse of a skirt that she had forgotten about, she wore it once, and it was to go have dinner with her and Eli's parents, the boy looked as red as if he had consumed 20 chiles habanero, he had even told her she looked pretty. She smiled at the memory and picked the skirt from the floor "What about a skirt?" she asked the boy who was patiently waiting 

"That would look perfect" so she put on the skirt and showed the boy "Yes" he simply said "I got nothing else to add, It looks amazing" 

"Alright" she smiled, finally relieved of not having to worry about her outfit anymore"I gotta go now, I have half an hour to do my hair and make up before picking up Eli"

"Okay, see you at practice tomorrow?"

"Of course" they said their goodbyes and Halley did her make up and her hair in record time, she took one last look in her mirror and sighed feeling satisfied with what she saw, specially the skirt, purple was her favorite color after all. She rushed out to be able to be right on time to pick up Eli, her hands were shaking and she prayed to all god's above to make her not crash the car, with how nervous she was she wouldn't be surprised if she crashed the car into a stop sign

Hello, hello

I don't have much to say, just that I imagine Halley wearing the same outfit as Lydia Martin in the first episode of teenwolf

I don't have much to say, just that I imagine Halley wearing the same outfit as Lydia Martin in the first episode of teenwolf

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