Chapter 18: Jayon

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The three of us headed toward the cafeteria, where we found North and Lynn sitting with a group of four other people. North waved us over, and I took a seat in between Lyla and a guy with flame orange hair. He grinned at me, and took off his headphones,

"Hey. I'm Flame." He introduced himself. I almost laughed. His name defiantly suited him.

"I'm Jayon." I said and shook the guy's hand,

"Cool." The guy grinned, and then turned to talk to a girl beside him. I looked around the table, Lyla was talking to a girl with short purple hair, and Annabel was talking to North. I sighed, and leaned back in my chair, making eye contact with a guy across the table from me. The guy had messy black hair, but I couldn't see his eyes since they were shut.

"Jayon, Lyla and Annabel. Let me introduce you to my friends." North stood up, "the blonde over there is Addilyn." He pointed at a pretty girl with a red bow in her hair. The blonde girl smiled at us. "And beside her is Flame. Then, Claire." He pointed at the short haired girl, "oh, and the black haired guy is Raiden.". Raiden opened one eye,

"Hey." He responded coolly, and crossed his arms lazily.

"So, I heard you three need some training." Flame spoke up, looking at us with anticipation.

"That would be awesome. Who would train us though?" I asked, and North suddenly grinned,

"How about we all show you three our different abilities. Then you can individually choose who you'd like to be your trainer." He suggested, and we nodded.


The six led us down a long hallway, and into a metal door. We came into a large arena with many people sparring, practicing target practice, and training.

"This is it." Clair smiled, and she stood to look at her friends, "who's up first?"

"I'll go." Flame said, as he walked to a stand and picked up a flame thrower. Then, we all followed the guy as we went to another arena surrounded by glass. Flame went in, and I watched as mutants appeared on the opposite side from him. The guy grinned, and pulled his headphones back over his ears. The mutants launched themselves toward him, but Flame quickly dodged their attacks, and flew into the air, slamming his weapon down and lighting the mutants on fire.

"Now that's impressive." I said aloud, as the guy ran at mutants, killing each of them with his flame thrower. A mutant went to swipe, and Flame ducked under his arm and kicked the mutant in the chest, sending it flying backwards. Flame shot his flamethrower at the last mutant, and it was killed instantly.

"How was that?" He asked, grinning as he walked out of the arena to join us.

"That was so cool!" Lyla giggled, and I grinned,

"Yeah, that was awesome." Flame smirked,

"Thanks.". Next up was Clair, and I watched the girl as she wandered into the arena, and pulled out a hammer. Mutants appeared and came running toward the girl, and Clair jumped into the air at the last second.

"Hyah!" She cried out, and brought her hammer down on one mutant, and I watched in amazement as the force threw the other mutants against the walls. Clair landed on the ground, and sprinted toward the mutants, killing them easily with her hammer. She looked at us and winked, before returning to fighting. Once she killed the last mutant, Clair brushed off her clothes, and walked back to us. I watched the rest of the team fight, and I realized they were all terrifying opponents. Honestly, I was so glad I was on their side. Addilyn's weapon was a double sided axe, and Raiden's was double katanas.

"Now, who do you chose to be your mentor, Lyla?" North asked the girl, who looked at the people ahead of her, "Lynn." She finally said, and the blue haired girl gently nodded her head,

"I choose Addilyn to be my mentor." Annabel cut in, and then it was my turn to choose a mentor. It was a hard choice, Flame was good at fighting with speed, North had deadly accuracy, Claire was good at strength, and Raiden was a stealthy opponent.

"North." I finally decided, and the green haired guy smiled,

"Great choice.".


I stood beside North, rifle in hand,

"Let see what you've got." He grinned, patting me on the back. I loaded the gun, and then took deep breaths as I kept a steady eye on the targets in front of me. Releasing that trigger, the bullet flew forwards but missed the target. I cursed under my breath, and then positioned the barrel of the gun toward a different target.

"Believe in yourself, Jayon." North said, and breathed in and let go of the trigger. The bullet soared forwards and this time hit the target dead center. I was surprised to say the least. "You're not as weak as I was expecting." North grinned, and I nodded, and began shooting at other targets. I managed to hit each of them, but only or five Bulls-eyes. "I think that's enough for today." He explained, and I placed my gun where the weapons were stored, and then walked back to North. "We will have some hand to hand combat tomorrow." North waved, and I headed off to my dorm room. When I opened the door, I found Lyla already fast asleep in her bed.

"Oh Lyla." I chuckled, and heard a silent snore from her. I shook my head slightly, and then climbed into my bed, drawing the covers up over my bed. Compared to the bed's in that house, this were way more comfortable. Annabel opened the door behind me, and she approached her bed.

"How was training with Addilyn?" I asked her,

"Great." She smiled, and crawled into her own bed. I let out a loud yawn, and then laid my head down on the pillow, letting sleep take over.

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