The Present

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"Wait.... That doesn't even make sense" Avy flicked her eyes to me annoyed with my story as I walked her to school through the busy Denver streets.

"First of all, you were born fully grown? And 'the Gift of Language' was seared into your brain? What?...and how did you know the 'bright green light' on the bridge was your mother, your dumb Vy" she added points of emphasis mocking me as she quoted me.

" Well its what happened... and be nice I don't call you names." I replied brushing my long black hair out of my face and trying to cover my blush. Avy poked me in the side.

"Your embarrassed aren't ya" she giggled "show me your eyes." I wore the mirrored aviator glasses to hide my tell. My eyes changed colors reflecting my moods; embarrassment was yellow.

"No" I replied in a hushed tone. This young girl's enemies were everywhere and as her bodyguard I had to hide my weaknesses at all times, and my emotions were my biggest one. And I had created many enemies of my own over the centuries I had roamed the Earth.

Avy looked up at me through her silver blonde bangs with her piercing blue eyes... It made me melt inside. "It's ok to be embarrassed Vy, not everyone is good at telling stories, your good at other things like... oh that folded egg you made me for breakfast" Avy simultaneously scolded and praised me.

We had arrived at her school, a prestigious institution for gifted children. "Avy" it was my turn to tease her "it was an omelet with ham and cheese. And it's time for school" I gave her a light shove and she ran off stopping at the top of the stairs that led to her school.

"Bye Vy, I love you, see you after school" she shouted at me before quickly running to join her friends. I smiled sitting down on the bench at the base of the stairs. I took of my mirrored aviators, and examined my reflection in them, my eyes had returned to there normal green shade. I sighed, contented and got up to make my perimeter check of the school. I eyed everything alertly and with suspicion whether it was a squirrel or bird nothing escaped my notice.

The school itself was an old building, but you could see where modern upgrades had been done to the building all to keep it up to date with modern standards of academia. After completing my rounds I sat back down on the bench at the entrance of the school. The school where Avy or Avyola Veronica Yaskiw was called the Yaskiw Academy. Of course, it was her great great-great grandmother that started the school, but her family had a quite a nefarious reputation. Not long ago...

"Hey hey Vy, got you some coffee!" My train of thought was interrupted by Mr. Jahns the school's security guard. I was annoyed that I hadn't sensed him coming, something was off it wasn't like me to miss something... anything. My senses suddenly felt very dull.

I reached out and took the coffee from the paunchy, balding old man "thank you Mr. Jahns" I replied briefly flashing my teeth in a quick smile. "You always take such good care of me." He was really very nice.

"Despite your appearance young lady, I can tell your more focused on anything to do with Amelia's daughter than taking care of yourself..." a hoarse, wracking fit of coughing enveloped him. Something was wrong it was February, but the air was suddenly very warm... scorching was a better word. My eyes went wide, we were under attack from an immortal, this was Impes Flamma. I put my hand on the old man's shoulder as my robe changed to my black suit. My black suit was a tight, light armor suit that formed tightly on my body. I preferred movement over encumbrance, when it came to my armor. I pushed Mr. Jahns away.

"Run" I firmly requested.

"Not my first rodeo, young lady" he coolly replied drawing his handgun.

I smiled, violence impending "THEN STAND BACK!" I screamed as lightning filled my veins and my sunglasses cracked. I smiled and drew my twin wakizashi from their upside down an slightly slanted position on my back. The first meteor had fell, the ground cracked and sprayed as the meteors kept falling. The hair on my body began to stand up from the particles colliding in my body. The fiends that were once meteors began to rise. They were garish and brutal looking and stood about 8 feet tall, all but one turned their attention to the spot where I'd been standing. But only my sunglasses remained when they looked to my position. They didn't have time to react as I fell upon them as a bolt of lightning again and again, my blades finding carotid arteries and severing limbs. I had already killed or maimed 15 by the time the thunder sounded my arrival. I stood in a full Lightning storm of my own making with a beautiful blood red rain of my victims. I smiled and looked up into the droplets as they fell onto my face and standing black hair. I stood and spread my arms letting the blood red rain soak into the fabric of my armor.

"Fuck Vy, you're a real Head Case" a shaky voice cried behind me as shots rang out from from his pistol. I felt a bump on my back as Mr. Jahns put his back to mine. I turned a severed his head in a clean swipe, blood sprayed from his now headless body. His head landed on the ground next to his paunchy body facing me, the shocked expression on his face was the last he'd ever make. He really was a good man.

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