chapter 151-160

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set up
dark night
  Chapter 151 151 Breaking the game
  , there is still a lot of love here, and there have been screams again and again.

  This mutant centipede didn't know what was going on, it was as stiff as iron, and her brow knives couldn't cut it.

  I just thought that their power attack didn't have much effect, but in fact it didn't work at all.

  Looking at the battlefield again, it was horrific.

  Many people saw that they were no match for it, and they had already run away. They didn't think of a way, and they would only seek death.

  "Brother, how old is this mutant centipede?" Wang Xinyu frowned slightly, her red lips pursed slightly, and her face showed melancholy.

  Zhao Xixun was thinking about countermeasures, and when he heard Wang Xinyu's question, he said, "Tier 5."

  Today, rank 5 is already a high rank, and there are only four people above rank 5 in their group.

  Wang Xinyu pursed her lips, and she saw that the divine water in the space teapot had reached the fifth rank. Unfortunately, the water-type ability still had no attack power.

  Zhao Xixun used his mental power to observe carefully for a while, and finally, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

  Nothing in the world is invincible, it just depends on whether you find a way to crack it.

  At this time, Zhao Xixun found it.

  "Everyone, listen to me, attack the mutant centipede's abdomen with all its strength. That is its weakness. As long as everyone works together, we will definitely be able to defeat the mutant centipede. Come on, everyone,"

  Zhao Xixun deliberately used his mental power to encourage everyone when he said this. Morale, it looks like it's working pretty well.

  I saw the person who had run far away, heard this weakness of the mutant centipede, and began to look for opportunities again.

  Although the centipede's abdomen knows that it is a weakness, it still takes a little effort to really hurt it. After all, the mutant centipede is not stupid, and will leave its weakness naked and wait for you to attack.

  Sure enough, when many people rushed up, they were solved by the big feet of the mutant centipede.

  Wang Xinyu looked at it for a while and said, "Brother, I'm going to attract the attention of the mutant centipede in a while. You take the opportunity to attack from behind."

  She made this decision after careful consideration. If he wanted to approach the mutant centipede silently, only he could do it.

  "No, I don't need you to attract mutant centipedes. With so many men here, I don't need you to take risks." Zhao Xixun had no objection to attacking himself, but was extremely opposed to Wang Xinyu taking risks.

  Wang Xinyu was about to refute, but he was stopped again, "Xiaoyu, you are obedient, don't let me worry about you."

  Zhao Xixun looked at her firmly, Wang Xinyu opened her mouth, and finally nodded, and said worriedly, "Brother, You have to be careful, don't let yourself get hurt."

  Zhao Xixun smiled with satisfaction, his eyes were bright, and his eyes were as deep as the sea, and people's emotions were surging, "Don't worry, just stay here and wait for me to come back."

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