Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Improve Strength

  Wang Xinyu sent two abilities in a row, and after she got two water polo, she felt powerless to follow.

  Recalling the explanation of abilities in the apocalypse text, if you want to upgrade, in addition to practicing hard to change from quantity to quality, you can also kill mutant plants and mutant beasts to obtain their mutant beads, and absorb the energy in the mutant beads to speed up the upgrade. own powers.

  It is impossible for Wang Xinyu to go out to fight mutant beasts by herself now, and naturally she can't get mutant beads, so she can only improve her strength by constantly practicing on her own.

  Seeing that his granddaughter was all focused on supernatural abilities, Mr. Wang took Wang Baozhu out, leaving the space for her to toss around slowly.

  Wang Xinyu blushed, exerted her strength to suckle, and summoned a little more energy. A water ball gradually formed in her palm. She smiled happily, trying to keep the water ball growing slowly. Suddenly, the follow-up energy seemed to be cut off. Just like the film, it suddenly disappeared, "Crack..." The water polo couldn't be controlled and fell to the ground, and a large area of ​​wetness was already in front of her.

  Wang Xinyu looked at her wet palm silently, feeling that the water polo just now was bigger than the previous one, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but raise slightly, sure enough, the effort will always pay off.

  In this practice, time passed quickly, and her progress was clearly visible.

  "Xiaoyu, we're going home." Wang Baozhu knocked on the door, looking at the girl who was still practicing inside, with mixed feelings.

  It's incredible when her daughter, who was so pampered and pampered, started working so hard.

  Wang Xinyu heard Wang Baozhu's voice and smiled, "Okay."

  She also saw some doubts of Wang Baozhu, but she didn't plan to say anything.

  She is here, nothing is more convincing than this body.

  Wang Xinyu is in a very good mood. After an afternoon of hard work, she now feels that she has mastered the formation and launch of water-type abilities... I

  really want to go out and find a mutant plant to practice.

  As for why not looking for mutant beasts, of course, it is because mutant plants are better to deal with. It is not like mutant beasts, which can run, jump and escape.

  Therefore, the mutant plants and mutant beasts of the same level, the mutant plants are far less lethal than the mutant beasts.

  When they came to the hall, Wang Chengjun looked at her with eyes like torches, "Xiaoyu, come and come, and send a water polo to my uncle."

  Today, he led people to study for an afternoon, and found that there were still many problems that he did not understand.

  Scientific research is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

  "Uncle San, I'm not a showman." Wang Xinyu deliberately showed her unhappy appearance, and a sly smile flashed in her eyes.

  This third uncle is already a grandfather, and the fidgeting appearance of rubbing her hands and the shy smile made her want to tease him.

  "No, I just want to study how this ability is formed." Wang Chengjun quickly explained, "The results of the blood sample given to me before have come out, and there is no problem at all, but it is clear that the black blood is indeed in it. Infected with the virus. In just over two hours, we haven't given you any medicine, so you'll be fine by yourself?" It's

  too miraculous, so I can't believe it.

  "Naturally it's my own good." Wang Xinyu's eyes flickered, "It must be because of my good health and strong immunity..."

  Why do some people die when infected with the virus, but some people have supernatural abilities? It was also raining at the beginning. Some people died, but some people resisted, and unknowingly, their abilities had been activated, just like Zhao Lang.

  To say that this has nothing to do with the physical quality of the individual is unreasonable.

  Seeing that Wang Chengjun was still thinking deeply, Wang Xinyu shrugged helplessly, and winked mischievously at Mr. Wang who looked at her with a loving face.

  "Okay, let's go back, this is not something that can be figured out in a while." The old man Wang spoke, and everyone stood up and went to the parking lot.

  After just one afternoon, the outside world has changed again.

  The streets became more and more desolate, and there were few vehicles and pedestrians in a hurry. From time to time, you can also see shops that have obviously been robbed by madness, as well as unknown bloodstains.

  Wang Xinyu knew that this was just the beginning. Most people have some food at home, and the situation outside is unknown. Many people are hiding in the corner and watching.

  After a few days, the mutant plants and mutant beasts became more and more rampant, and when the food at home was exhausted, what was waiting for humans was a more cruel natural selection.

  Just as Wang Xinyu was frowning at the depressing street scene, a heart-wrenching cry for help came from the alley, "Help...ah..."


  "Stop, stop." Mr. Wang heard the child The voice suddenly stopped excitedly and anxiously.

  Wang Xinyu immediately braked, but fortunately she didn't drive fast because of safety concerns.

  "Quick, it's Haohao's voice." Before the car stopped, the old man pushed the door and wanted to get out.

  When Wang Xinyu heard his words, she immediately remembered the relevant situation about Haohao. This is Wang Hao, the son of her third uncle and fourth cousin, Wang Guoqing. How could he be here?

  "Grandpa, don't worry, stay in another car and don't come out, Mom, you are optimistic about Grandpa, I'll go help right away."

  At this time, Wang Chengjun and Wang Guobin in the other car also heard the cry for help and roared anxiously. Roaring rushed over.

  Wang Xinyu got out of the car, opened the trunk, and actually took out an axe from the space. These were also collected by her before, but they were used at this time.

  When she hurried over, she happened to see Wang Chengjun in front of Wang Hao, Wang Guobin in front of the injured woman lying on the ground, and a mutant mouse the size of a cat was rushing towards them.

  Wang Xinyu didn't think about it, and threw a big water polo at the mutant mouse.

  Unfortunately, the lethality of the water polo is really weak. When it hit the mouse, it just gave him a bath and blocked one of his speed.

  The mutant rat was soaked all over and was a little confused, but stopped attacking.

  Taking advantage of this time, Wang Xinyu has already rushed to the front, holding the axe to greet the big mouse, while shouting, "Uncle Third, Brother Six, you should take Haohao and Sister-in-law first and go back to the car."

  "No. , I can't leave you alone, you all go first, I'll break it later." Wang Guobin tentatively leaned towards Wang Xinyu with half a brick in his hand.

  Wang Xinyu is just relying on an impulse. She is actually a little scared. After all, she has no actual combat experience, but thinking that she has supernatural powers, even if she suffers a small injury, it will be fine, but she has a little confidence.

  "You go first. I have supernatural powers and antibodies in my body. Even if I am injured by this beast, I will be fine. You all go, and listen to me." The

  axe went down without any skill, just with a savage It was just power, and the mutant mouse easily escaped.

  (End of this chapter)

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