*questions life cutely*

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I wonder
If what I plan on doing in life is gonna get me somewhere
Or if my career plan is gonna flop
I wanna be a singer and a part time Youtuber
But the problem is
I have a speaking problem
I stutter a lot, and often I struggle to get basic words out
But that's when I'm not following along with something or saying things quietly
Singing along to a song?
As long as I know the lyrics, I'm good!
Wanting to say something but not wanting others to hear it?
Muttering under my breath, I'm good!

I would just start out simple by like
Working at a fast food joint
But the problem is
I'll probably have to be at the drive thru window or the cash register
And then, here come my speech issues.
I want a job that'll pay well where I don't have to talk yet I don't have to do much.
I don't wanna put stress on my shoulders when I'm older, and I don't want my speech issues to interfere with my working abilities.
Though, the interview?
That'll be a nightmare and a half.

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