Me rating Doors monsters

4 0 0

Rush: Rush is one of my favorites and easy to get past, despite being really scary to me. I'd give him a 9/10.

Hide: Hide is somewhat annoying, but easy to deal with. 5/10.

Jack: I haven't encountered Jack yet in my playthroughs, but he seems like he'll be a real problem when Rush and/or Ambush are after you. 4/10.

Ambush: Ambush can be confusing, and somewhat annoying. 6/10.

Seek: Seek is kinda creepy, but he gets extra points for his chase theme being a banger. 7/10.

Timothy: I haven't met Timothy yet, but he's pretty much harmless. 8/10.

Figure: I fucking hate Figure. He ruins all my runs, and he's fucking terrifying. Demigorgon looking ass. 0/10.

Halt: I hate Halt as well. I always get trapped whenever he spawns on me. 0/10.

Glitch: Glitch isn't that bad. 5/10.

Screech: Annoying, but somewhat easy to get past. 4/10.

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