Meeting The Parents

Start from the beginning

"Yes this is her, say hello" She says to Vi who was too busy looking up. "God damn this is a fancy ass ceiling" She thought.  Caitlyn nudges the girl which made her jump a little. "Oh! Uh hey Mr.Kiramman" Vi says nervously. "Hello," The older man greets, "I've heard quite a lot about you, and from what I've heard, you seem quite interesting," Vi looks over at Caitlyn, curious about what exactly Caitlyn has told her father. The other girl just looks down with a small tint of pink on her cheeks. 

"But enough about that, sit down both of you. " He says sitting on the couch while the two girls sat together on the couch. "So Vi, tell me about yourself" He says before taking a sip out of his mug. She immediately froze up when he said that. She couldn't think of anything that couldn't make her sound like she was just some thugged out street rat. "Oh god I'm so fucked" She says internally. Caitlyn gives a reassuring smile which results in Vi feeling a bit less nervous, "Nothing's gonna go wrong," She reminds herself, "Where should I start?" She asks. 

"What do you like to do for fun?" He asks which made her freeze up again. "Well..." She tries to think of something. "I like spending time with my little sister when possible, she likes showing me these new inventions she's come up with, and it's pretty nice to do," A few seconds pass and Vi quietly panics, "Crap, did I say too much?" She thinks to herself. "That's nice to hear, how old is she?" Tobias says. "She's 10," She responded. "How are your grades looking?" He asked which caught her a little off guard. Vi knew her grades weren't the best and she's pretty sure Caitlyn knew it too.

"Dad!" Caitlyn says a bit shocked. Tobias looks at his daughter with a questioning look, "What? I'm just curious, but okay, okay. I believe you came here to discuss something important, am I correct?" He says. "Yes, the reason why is because I wanted to let you know that me and Vi are more than friends and to show you not everyone from the undercity is a bad person and I want you to try and convince mother the same" Caitlyn says. "More than friends, you two are dating?" The two girls look at eachother before nodding. Vi glanced at Caitlyn which was returned and grabbed her hand. 

She looked back at Tobias. "Your daughter really means a lot to me Mr.Kiramman and I want to prove to you that I'm not what everybody thinks Zauntie's are." Vi confesses. "You seem like you have a good heart, I have faith in you, as for my wife..." He trailed off. "I know it's gonna take some time but I'm not giving up" She looked back at Caitlyn who smiled. "Ever" She finishes. "I respect that," Tobias starts, "It just might take a while for me to convince Cassandra to be... eh, what's the word for it? Understanding? It'll be hard to change her mind on those from the Undercity. But for now all I can give you is my blessing. Please treat my daughter well" Tobias added on. "Of course, Mr. Kiramman. Thank you for your help, I truly appreciate it," Vi says. "No need to call Mr.Kiramman, you can call me Tobias" He says with a smile which made the two girls smile. 

The sound of a door opening pulls everyone out of their thoughts. "Caitlyn? Tobias? Anyone home?" Cassandra asked. Vi quickly looked at Caitlyn in panic. Caitlyn quickly grabs Vi's hand and the two run to the girl's room. Caitlyn puts Vi in the closet. "Stay in here" She says. "When you said you didn't want anybody to know that we're a thing I didn't think this would be the reason wh-" She quickly got cut off by the Kiramman girl. 

"Shut up!" She says closing the door. Caitlyn quickly runs back to the foyer where her mom is, "Good Evening, Caitlyn," Her mom greets with a small smile. "H-Hi Mother" She says trying to hide the fact she was out of breath after running down all those stairs. "Is everything alright?" Cassandra asks. Caitlyn gives a small nod, "Just a bit tired," She lies in response. 

Tobias looks at Cassandra before standing up, "Perhaps we should let her sleep?" He says. Caitlyn fakely yawned and nodded. "Maybe I should call it a night" She says. "But it's so early." Cassandra says. All of sudden a loud thud came from upstairs. "Dammit Vi" Caitlyn internally groaned. "What was that?" Cassandra asks as she takes a step forward. 

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