Love Has Many Forms (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

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Written for Fictober 2022 on Tumblr!

Prompt: "That was never my intention."

Summary: After spending months working closely with Obi-Wan Kenobi (and falling in love in the process), it's finally time for Y/N to say goodbye to Obi-Wan as he's recalled to Coruscant for the next pressing, urgent Jedi mission. But goodbyes are never easy or simple, especially when it comes to someone you love.


I sighed heavily as I sank onto my sofa, facing the windows overlooking my city. Any minute now, a ship would rise up from the central space port and take off into the night sky, carrying the love of my life away with it.

I'd met Obi-Wan Kenobi for the first time just over a four months ago, when he and his fellow General Anakin Skywalker had been dispatched to my planet. I had information that could help them in their fight against Count Dooku and the Separatists, and as a result, quite a few people wanted me dead. While Anakin went out with his padawan, Ahsoka, to go undercover and fight back against the Separatist spies, Obi-Wan stayed with me. We spent most of our days together, going over plans and things I knew, and then just talking about nothing as he kept me from being murdered. I'd come to truly love him in the time we'd spent together, and he made it clear he felt the same way about me.

Unfortunately for the both of us, our love story was fated to have a bad end. The Jedi Order forbade its members from having relationships and falling in love, and after months of being in paradise together, the threat had officially been stopped and the mission had come to an end. Obi-Wan and all the others had been recalled to Coruscant, and it was quite likely I'd never see them again.

I curled up under a blanket and watched the night sky, determined to see Obi off, even if I wouldn't actually be seeing him in person again. It was easier this way, with no tearful goodbye, even though it still hurt like hell to lose him.

I waited, carefully scanning the sky and not daring to look away for too long lest I miss him. The minutes crept by, until I was startled out of my watchful vigil by a knock at the door.

I glanced backwards at the door, then at the sky where I still waited for the small prick of light that would be Obi-Wan's ship. I hesitated. Whoever was at my door could wait to call on me until tomorrow morning, surely?

"Y/N, it's me."

Obi. I recognized his voice in a second, and I felt my heart shatter all over again. I tossed my blanket off of my lap and onto the couch as I stood, then made my way to the door. I took a deep breath, hoping it would steel me, then turned the doorknob and came face to face with Obi-Wan.

"Obi... what are you doing here?" I asked, unable to hide the hurt and exhaustion lacing my every word. I'd expended all of my energy keeping it together in front of him and Anakin for the past few days, once we knew our time together was drawing to a close, and I just didn't have it in me anymore.

"I wanted to say goodbye," he said, taking a careful step forward. I sighed but moved aside all the same, letting him into my home before closing the door behind him. I turned to face him, wrapping my arms around myself in the hopes it would provide some comfort. "It just... didn't feel right to leave without saying goodbye."

I closed my eyes, fighting against the physical pain crushing my chest. Seeing him would do nothing but rip my heart out even more than it already had been, which was why I hadn't wanted to do a goodbye like this in the first place.

"We said goodbye. When I gave you the last of the files and information I had yesterday, and we officially wrapped up the case," I said without opening my eyes. I heard Obi-Wan take a few steps towards me, closing the distance until I could feel his warmth radiating from right in front of me.

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