"Fancy seeing you here Y/N." You twisted your body around to see who the hell it was and you didn't recognize the man. You frowned at him going to remove his hand but, they tightened painfully. "Why don't you let me hold you for a while? You used to love it as a child." Your appetite along with everything else escaped your body. You dropped your dumplings staring at him in horror before getting enranged. With a swiftness that caught him off guard, you had your hand around his neck and off the ground. 

"Don't you ever have the audacity to touch me again" With half your strength you twirled for momentum and threw the man away from you. You were heaving and great your food was on the floor and your appetite was gone. 

"Who the fuck was that?" You turned slowly around trying to fix your face back to neutral but, it clearly didn't work since Sanemi winced. "That unpleasant." You took a deep breath through your nose willing yourself to relax. 

"I'm calm. Pissed. No. Yes, I am. Fuck. Give me patience." You rubbed your cheek trying to get that image of that man out of your head. He should be lucky that you didn't kill him. Patience Y/N. 

"You dropped your dumplings, here have some of my food! I had enough for now!" It was Mitsuri who was almost laid across the table shoving her food in your face. It was endearing and with little to no resistance, you let her feed you. She was so happy and her scent was even relaxing Sanemi which you loved. You let her feed you and it seemed Kyojuro and Giyu got jealous because they started shoving food at you and you took some of their food. That started a chain reaction and soon enough all of them had fed you a little bit of their food. You felt so loved and it must have showed in your scent with the way they all were grinning. Even Obanai. 

"Someone's happy." There goes your mood. Before it can sour you glanced up at a snarl to see Sanemi almost killing the guy with his eyes. 

"GET YOUR MUSTY CRUSTY ASS THE FUCK AWAY FROM US YOU UGLY BASTARD. LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE." He threw a rock that hit the man square in the face so that you knew he would try and fight him. You didn't allow it because you stood up, turned to him, and gave him the nastiest snarl you can muster making him scream and run. Good thing you asked for patience. 

"This is why I asked for patience because strength would have had me killing someone." You were almost at your limit and wanted to go home but, they seemed to be enjoying themselves. 

"We can leave-" You stopped them right there

"No, we are not leaving. A couple of dick heads will not ruin our day. We hardly rest as it is while they get to do these things all the time. We will leave when we all are ready to leave." Nothing more was said and, you really liked that they trusted you and allowed themselves to be vulnerable and submissive to you. That means you deserved it and proved yourself to them in the literal months you knew them. You couldn't be more proud of yourself for accomplishing such a feat. 

"Hey you, you look like a big strong Alpha, why don't you come and do arm wrestling with us?" You turned to see two fairly sizeable Alpha's but, you were still bigger than them. You went to decline but, were interrupted by Tengen,

"I think you would win flamboyantly darling!" He was smiling big at you and wide. 

"Of course, she will." The others agreed and it had you shrugging standing up noticing once again you were much taller. They clearly didn't expect it either as their smiles shrunk a bit and they took a couple of steps back. 

"Well, my hearts think I can do well so I'll my best not to disappoint them." They did not comment even though they were sizing you up before leading the way. You naturally made a path for your Omega's to follow and you can sense the excitement on them. You were excited about them and this time you were asking for all the strength. Might as well put all of them in their place and finally show your strength. Once you got the arm wrestling thing it was in the center with other Alpha's that seemed to want to participate. They seemed to be the biggest of the biggest so you fit right in. You were in the circle and glanced to see all of them were watching you with varying looks.

"You got this Y/N! You're so strong!" It was Kyo cheering with Mitsuri and Tengen. You looked at all of them with a grin before entering. It was ten of you and the winner would have to last 5 seconds with all of the losers trying to push them to the ground. 

"FIRST UP Y/N AND ASHIKO!" That was the beginning and you both nodded at each other respectively before getting into stance. A small part of you was saying you had trained these people didn't so it wouldn't be fair but, about 85 percent of you were saying fuck them. You went the fuck them route. The first dude didn't have a chance as he slammed into the floor and you were ready for the next one. Silence. It was dead silent. 

"FUCK YEAH Y/N!" That was Sanemi and that spurred on the others to try and beat you but, they suffered the same fate. It was going quickly and their egos were bruised. The last guy gave you three seconds' worth of struggle but, he ended up on the ground too. 

"...Who would have thought the female Alpha would be top dog? Look at those muscles!" You were wearing pants, sandals, and wrappings with an open haori. "Now, can she handle five seconds? Or crack under pressure? Tell you what, let's make this fun." You made eye contact with the loudspeaker guy and the losers not liking how they smirked and all looked over where Tengen and they were standing. You felt your blood boil and fangs poke out. "...If she can't last those five seconds all the winners can take an Omega of their pick." They all looked over to your Omega's which had you pissed. Nope. This was an unbridled rage. You shed your haori and focused on total concentration with your breathing. You spread your weight evenly, ready to flex every single muscle from the top of your neck to your pinky toe. 

"This should be easy. I want the pink-haired one." Confident already. 

"That tall one with the silver hair looks like a good time." As if his wives would let you touch him. 

"What about that short one with the white hair?" As if he will let you anywhere near him.

"Let's hurry up and break her arms and legs so she can't do anything when we take them away. We can make her watch." That pissed you off. You opened your eyes knowing they were completely red watching as the six losers stood next to you grabbing onto your hands. The rule was one arm. You had braced your free hand and arm against the pillar. You glanced over to the very worried and pissed group of Omegas shouting about unfairness. You will win for their sake. 

"ON YOUR MARK." One more breath. In. Out. 

"GET SET." Plant your feet, straighten out your back, and square your shoulders. 

"GO!" Flex. You flexed with all your might gritting your teeth and focusing on your hand not moving. You can feel them shaking with the force they were trying to push your arm. 

"THREE...TWO..." You opened both eyes staring at all of them and using a little bit of one of your forms you pushed them all to the ground with one hand at the end of the five seconds. You slumped over the pillar drained a bit and arm on fire from the exertion. You won though. You needed to be carried because you felt like lead but, you won. You kept your Omega's safe. You're the top dog. You stood straight up looking at all of them on the ground with a frown. 

"Don't ever again think it's okay to stake a claim on people who belong to me." You let your Alpha voice carry a bit to get the message across and they meekly agreed. Good. They will never cross you again. You walked slowly to where all of the Hashira were waiting for you hyping you up but, you were tired. 

"Can I carry you, my love?" You hummed an affirmative at Gyomei who put you on his back as the rest of you disappeared into the crowd leaving behind a sense of pride and very bruised egos


What do you guys think about this? I wanted to make two sweet chapters to make up for the bitterness of demons and for my disappearing for such a long time without updating this story!

One for All or All for One? (KNY Alpha Female Reader X Omega Hashira)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt