Chapter 7 *Edited*

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A/N: my stories don't follow Canon precisely. Please remember this is for entertainment purposes.

A/N: Edited 05/12/2023 or 12/05/2023

second edit: 07/08/24 or July 8th, 2024

When you woke up first thing in the morning you were surprised to see everyone dog-piled on each other. It was a bizarre and endearing sight. You didn't think anything of it at the time but, now that it's a couple of days later you were thinking something went down while you were drunk. All the Hashira seemed to get along well, the ones that surprised you more than anything were Obanai and Sanemi with Giyu. They were friendly with each other which was a shock in itself. 

"I'm so glad everyone is getting along." You were talking to Kagaya, who insisted you rest your head on his lap. He played with your hair and, caressed your face which made you happy. 

"Yes, my sweet child. I am glad as well...They are really worried about you, you know that?" You glanced up at him even though he was blind he was looking down at you with a smile. "They will understand you so much better than you believe my child. It's okay to trust them. They already trust you." You blinked before looking away feeling emotional. Your throat got tight which was a sign that you were going to cry but, you didn't want to cry in front of him. "You are free to go my sweetness." He placed a kiss on your forehead before sitting up to let you go. You sat up and, turned to him giving him a hug which he gladly returned. 

"Thank you, papa." You high-tailed it out of there missing the giddiness that exuded from him when you called him Papa. When you left the Ubuyashiki Estate you took a walk back to your Estate allowing your mind to wander. As you walked more you took notice of your sense of smell increasing as well as your sensitivity. You weren't necessarily aggressive but, you felt different. "Never drinking alcohol again." Alcohol always did something to you. You always ended up sweaty, and sensitive to your surroundings. You were tired too so, you decided to just rest by a tree. You didn't have a mission until the next day or two so, a rest would be nice. You took off your haori and, uniform top sweating up a storm. You were in a bandeau top and, a skirt. Mitsuri convinced you to wear a skirt. 

"Y/N?" You opened your eyes to look at who called you and, saw Sanemi, Tengen, and Kyojuro. Hm, what were they doing here? "You don't look so good." Sanemi was in front of your sitting form placing a hand on your forehead wincing at the heat. "You're on fire." His hand felt nice and cool so, you followed it when he pulled it away. 

"Nice and cold." You grabbed his hand placing it back on your forehead. You didn't mind how Tengen and Kyojuro surrounded you. 

"Come on sweetheart you can't be on the ground." Tengen lifted you and, you turned around wrapping your arms and legs around him tightly. You had a good whiff of his scent from the scent gland on his neck and, that's when it hit you like a ton of bricks. 

"Shit, I'm going into a rut." You were so slow. The heat, the tiredness, the heightened senses. "You guys got to leave. Please. I don't want to hurt you." You were trying to get out of his hold but, he wasn't budging. 

"We made a promise to protect you even if it's from yourself. Or us." You don't know what happened while you were out of it drunk but, you will ask later. You have a much bigger problem right now. 

"That's very sweet of you Tengen but, I don't want to send you guys into an accidental heat." You were freaking out because they all smelled delicious, the four of you were alone and, you did not want to test anyone's resolve or patience. You decided to try and distract yourself from the onslaught of feelings and emotions. "What happened while I was drunk? Wasn't no big secret being exposed right?" The way all three of them froze had your eyes widening at them. "I missed a secret? Sheesh, I was really out of it. Whoever it was maybe they'll tell me soon." No one mentioned how it was you who dropped a truth bombshell that had all of them insanely protective of you now. They all came to terms with their crush on you but, now knowing your past made them wanna...coddle you.

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