
Obi-Wan Kenobi was honored to be a part of the High Council, but he was also terrified, he knew the only reason why he got the spot was due to his prior war engagements with the young, but when they got a call that a ship with the numbers matching the Iconic Ebon Hawk was requesting permission to land, saying that the Princess of Mandalore was on board, Grand Master Yoda gave the okay for them to land. GAR was told to keep it silent about the ship. If this so-called ship called 'Legacy of the Past' was in fact the Ebon Hawk then the Republic will try to take it from the Mandalorian people.

The High Council as well as Chancellor Palpatine were at the Landing platform reserved as a monument to the Ebon Hawk as the Legacy of the Past landed. The Holonet camera droids were buzzing around the ship as the ramp lowered revealing Revana thankfully in her actual armor and not Revan's "Ah, Princess Revana," Palpatine greeted, "It is wonderful to see you again,"

"Chancellor Palpatine," Revana greeted.

Jango, Pre, and two other Mandalorians came down the ramp, though Obi-Wan knew from meeting the Kaminoans not too long ago, that the Last Mandalorian was in fact a Kaminoan. It could have been Kina Ha, the Kaminoan Jedi that time had forgotten existed but not the Kaminoan people who believed themselves better and more compassionate than their peers. Chancellor Palpatine was looking at the ship "According to the registration number the ship is in fact the Ebon Hawk," Palpatine remarked

"Sadly I didn't know of the ship's origins other than my late father had spent time restoring the old Dynamic," Revana replied with genuine shock, "It was the ship's caretaker that informed me of the ship's existence, and that in coordination with Mandalorian Law the ship has always belonged to Mandalore,"

Palpatine looked amused "Many in the Republic will not see it as such,"

"Considering it was Beskar's mind of my father's house that restored the ship as well as my own funds, the Republic couldn't afford the repair bill," Revana replied.

Obi-Wan could imagine the vicious smirk Revana wore under her helmet "I would assume so, that is why I am not pushing the Matter, but still. The ship may use its original landing platform and I will see to it that the Senate keep away from it," Palpatine replied

"It would be good to point out that the Clone army that I was a Templet of would pay for the ship and then some," Jango Fett finally said from behind Revana, "So be sure to inform your Senate, your army, or the ship."

Palpatine looked over to Jango "Thank you for your service as the Armies templet Master Fett, even after all that you have suffered at the hands of the Jedi and the Republic, you have our gratitude."

Jango bowed his head "They are still my ade," Jango replied.

After Palpatine left Revana sighed and removed her helmet "That couldn't have gone any better," Revana said looking at Jango, "You nearly gave up the plan,"

"Yes, well he didn't believe it for a moment, which was part of the plan," Jango replied

"Free your mind is of the Sith Spell?" Yoda asked.

The Kaminoan Mandalorian removed her helmet "Yoda is that you?"

Yoda looked up and chuckled "Warms my heart it does to see you, Master Ha," Yoda replied.

The Kaminoan reached up and removed her helmet a smile on her face and her eyes shining in joy "Yoda, you old flirt how have you been?"

Obi-Wan's mind as well as many in the council's crashed, Yoda a flirt? Yoda chuckled "Yoda a flirt?" Mace asked shocked

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