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Liked by andy83russell , zendaya and 15,364 others

user1 You look so pretty!

tomholland2013 Nothing like ringing in the new year with my girls 🤍

flora tomholland2013 Love you so much it hurts Holland! 🤍

flora Ohhh before I forget 📸 zendaya

zendaya flora Thank you baby 💗

user2 Brb just going to cry calling Flora and Zendaya his girls 😭

daisyedgarjones See you soon Miss Flo! Can't wait to see you!

flora daisyedgarjones I can't wait to squeeze you!

user3 So was Flora just third wheeling Tom and Zendaya?

zendaya user3 More like he was third wheeling us!

tomholland2013 zendaya user3 It's sad cause it's true 😔

Zendaya The fact we got to spend this time together means so much! p.s you make my heart physically burst!

flora zendaya I know me too baby. p.s my heart feels like it'll burst every single day 🥺

user4 Woaahh woah woah! These two thinking they're talking in code. They ain't slick! Who's the new man?

user5 user4 Whoever it is has got to be exquisite let's be honest! Flora has got impeccable taste!

tomholland2013 And you guys thought it would be who'd spill the beans

zendaya tomholland2013 TOM!

flora tomholland2013 I take it back! I hate you!

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