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flora An absolute honour to be apart of your special journey and to be asked to be apart of this with you! My best friend benbarnes has written the most beautiful song and I'm privalidged to have been in the music video! The video for 11:11 is out now! Link in my bio 🤍

Liked by tomholland2013, lilireinhart and 14,849 others

benbarnes Thank you got everything you've ever done for me but especially for agreeing to this and allowing us to close our chapter properly. Love you forever Falcone 🤍

flora benbarnes You are the most brilliant person I've ever met and I'm so happy we're apart of each other's lives. You'll always mean the world to me. Love you too Barnes 🤍

tomholland2013 I'm not crying. You are.

flora tomholland2013 No legit me when Ben sent me the song last week

user1 This song is gorgeous 😭

zendaya No seriously Tom legit cried flora

flora zendaya Hahahaha

lilireinhart You look so pretty in this!

flora lilireinhart Thanks angel x

evanrachelwood You guys! 🥺

flora evanrachelwood Love you!

user2 I just want mom and dad back

damien_molony Joe just caught me watching the video and asked if this is what you were off frolicking about in LA for?

flora damien_molony Frolicking? What is he 80?! But did he like it?

damien_molony flora Yeah! He said you looked mega!

flora damien_molony Of course he did! 😂 Tell him to answer his phone please x

user3 This song is clearly about Flora and it hurts my heart that this is his goodbye.
flora liked this comment

robboben Look at you being all pretty and shit!
flora liked this comment

user4 So their reunion in LA wasn't a "reunion" but because they were working on this but at least we have this forever!

daisyedgarjones This song is beautiful! You're beautiful! Ben's beautiful! Big fan of this!

flora daisyedgarjones Hahaha love you!

user5 Why is no one talking about Ben and Flora's comments and how they're publicly saying they still love each other 😭

user6 As if he couldn't get more attractive. He can sing and writes beautiful love songs to say goodbye to his ex girlfriend who stars in the music video because they still love each other. Brb just gonna cry into my cereal

flora Thank you for all your lovely comments on the 11:11 video but it's really all benbarnes He's got an EP out soon and you're going to fall in love!

{authors note} Big shoutout to Evan Rachel Wood who stars in this video. We're all going to pretend it's our face claim for our story xo

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