Chapter 29: London

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We woke up on the couch the next morning, I laid on top of him, my arms wrapped around his waist. I kissed his stomach softly before getting up. I threw the blanket over his naked body and quickly made my way to the bathroom turning on the shower.

I tied up my hair and took a quick body shower wrapping my body in a towel and heading to the room to change. By the time I was ready to go, Harry was still sleeping. I laughed and bent down to kiss his lips.

"Baby, I'm heading out." I whispered in his ear and he turned to his side groaning.

I laughed softly and kissed his cheek before heading out, grabbing my set of keys and locking up.

When I got to the hospital the doctor was in the room with my mom. By the mood in the room, I knew it wasn't good news.

"Hi, sorry to interrupt."

"Oh Miss Santiago, no, no, I just got started. Sit please."

I walked around and sat on the other end of the bed with my mom, reaching out and holding Becca and my mom's hand.

"So I was just explaining that the liquid in your mothers lungs is back. We've tried to find different ways to control it so we can send her home, but I don't see that happening right now. Not for at least two weeks."

I nodded and squeezed my mom's hand tightly, "So not even at home care?"

"No, we suggest she stay here."

I felt as the three of us nodded, "Thank you doctor."

She smiled, excusing herself, and Becca and I cuddled up close to my mom, somehow the three of us made it so we could fit on the bed.

We spent the next few hours crying and laughing. Telling embarrassing stories from when Becca and I were smaller. We were in the middle of an embarrassing story about me when Harry walked in carrying KFC bags and a packed lunch for himself, "I heard an angel wanted fried chicken."

"Harry you are just in time, mom is telling an amazing story about Maggie."

"No, stop, he doesn't need to know." I hid my face in my hands.

"No, no, please do tell." Harry said, placing the food down on the small table, Becca getting up to help me take everything out.

"When she was little, she used to love singing. She would pretend to put on concerts in her room. One time she was using the ladder to her bunk bed as a prop for her show, and she missed a step, causing her to fall on her butt, and she sprained her wrist in the process."

Becca and Harry started chuckling and Harry walked over, hugging me as I sat on the bed, kissing the top of my head, "Awe, so you've always been a rockstar baby? Rosa, your daughter can sing very well, did you know that?"

"See mija! I always told you, and now a real singer is telling you! My dad could sing Harry, so, so well, I think she gets it from him."

"Stop, I can't sing, you both are just saying that!" I got up and grabbed a potato wedge, biting into it.

Harry pulled out his phone and before I knew it he was playing my recording, my eyes were wide so quickly.

"Woah, Mags, that's really good. It's auto tuned right?" Becca teased and Harry shoved her playfully.

"No Becca, just a little remastering, but that's all Mags." Harry smiled at me proudly.

"Harry, I want that for my phone, so I can show all the nurses."

I sighed, "Mami, no, please."

"Maggie let your mom be proud, baby." Harry smiled, and I already knew he had already sent it, "You'll get it soon Rosa."

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