Wish For Destruction's Hero

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Me: This idea passed through my head some time ago. After giving it some thought, I decided that I wanted to make a story with Sofia from Sofia the First and Chat Noir from Miraculous.

I hope you enjoy this story as I worked hard on it. Also, when you get to the part, the song used has its lyrics changed to fit the theme, but if you want a tune to follow along to, the song is 'Colors Of The Wind' from Pocahontas. Also, the info I have on both shows is based on memory so forgive me if I mess up a little. This is also a little break from the other stories I'm working on I'm working right now.

So, without further ado, the story!


Sofia the First, 11-year-old Princess of Enchancia, Protector, and Storykeeper (as well as many other things), eagerly looked out the window of the covered carriage she and her family rode in as they travel through the forest to meet with the River and Tree Elves. She was kinda tired because she had to get up early, but she was excited so that made her awake.

Speaking of being tried.

"Dad did we really have to wake up early," James whined, rubbing his eyes as he yawned, "Couldn't we have waited another hour?"

"I know you wanted to sleep some more James, I understand that, but the Elves invited us to their event and I wanted us to get a head start since it begins rather early," King Roland stated, patting his son on the shoulder.

Queen Miranda smiled as she reached down and pulled out a pastry and held it in front of her son, "But you can sleep if you want. The rest of us can eat these breakfast pastries."

At the mention of food, James suddenly woke up and grabbed the pastry. "Actually, I think I might be more awake now!"

As James happily ate his pastry, his twin sister Amber shook her head. "Honestly James, if the mere mention of food wakes you up, then I wonder how your Knight Training will go."

Amber took the pastry offered to her by her mother, slowly eating it. Baileywick, the Castle Steward, grabbed a pastry for himself and grabbed a second. He gently touched Sofia's shoulder, getting her attention.

"Do you want a pastry, Princess Sofia?"

"Oh, thank you Baileywick! I'll love one," Sofia said as she took the offered pastry. She began to eat it happily.

Ever since Vor was defeated by Sofia and her family after trying to take over the Kingdom and the Ever Realm, Sofia was getting used to the fact people now knew her amulet was magic and gave her powers when she did good things. She was worried someone would try to steal it, but when no one did she relaxed. Besides, the amulet would curse anyone who would steal it.

Now, a couple of months later, Sofia and her family were invited by Queen Arielf of the Tree Elves and Queen Elfabelle of the River Elves, to their event.

Her family was all riding in the carriage while Cedric sat up front with the driver, watching the road ahead in case of danger and to also alert the Royals when they got close. Sofia was happy for her friend Cedric. He came a long way from trying to steal her amulet to saving her and saving the Kingdom. He was now known as Cedric the Great. All because he chose to be her friend when the time came for him to decide what he wanted. She felt bad about his friendship with Wormwood, but as Cedric visits Wormwood's jail cell, or cage in Wormwood's case, and they've been slowly reforging their friendship, Cedric says that they don't have to be evil to be great.

"Dad, why did the Elves invite us," Amber asked, shaking Sofia out of her thoughts.

"Oh, and what is this event about? You didn't really tell us," Sofia said, looking at her father.

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