Dad" Now, please"

KT" Okay"

Poor Kt, she had no choice, she had to go, she couldn't disobey a teacher.

Eddie"I no sweat. we'll go grab them, won't we sis?"

Charlie" Yeah, we can get them sir"

Dad" Both of you sit, Edison you need the extra studying and Charlie, I....asked KT to go"

I swear I thought I heard the break in my dad's speech, it was like he did care just not enough to tell us the truth.

Alfie" I'll go.I mean, I'm the best at carrying books, everyone always says so"

Dad" No.I want KT to go"

Dad then looks right at Eddie and I and I have a bad feeling in my stomach, I'm guessing he has the same feeling as he links my little finger with his.

KT" I'll be right back"

Fabian" I told you. They're gonna try and kidnap her, Eddie, Charlie we have to do something"

Eddie phone then chimes and he slips it from his pocket.

Eddie" I got a text from KT"

Charlie" What does it say?"

Eddie" Help"

Charlie" Eddie you have to go, now"

Eddie" Right"

Dad" So As you will see, with my homemade viewer, you can now watch an eclipse in complete safe I just realised..."

Eddie" Mr.Sweet, I I left my locker open"

Dad" Well, it'll have to wait. Now, the only safe way"

Eddie" Mr.Sweet.You don't understand.I my allowance is in it. I mean, the money you gave me. So really it's like your money at risk"

Dad" Well, very well.Be quick. Stop! Your jacket. I've told you 100 times. That is not school uniform"

Eddie" Yeah"

He runs out and his jacket falls on the floor. I go to pick it up when Dad stands over me.

Dad" I'll take that Charlie please"

Charlie" It's okay sir, I'll hold it till he gets back"

Dad" No I would like it please, I've told you and your brother, like I said 100 times, it's not school regulation and I will take yours you are wearing as well"

Charlie" I'll take it off"

Dad" Give me the jackets please Charlie"

I swallowed and Fabian and the whole class were watching me.

Dad" Do I have to give you detention"

Charlie" No sir"

Dad" Give!"

I sigh and hand them over, can't say I didn't try. The bell then rings and everyone starts packing up.

Dad" I'll tell you what why don't you go outside, work on your projects, go on get out of here"

I sigh and get out and I'm about to leave when Dad calls me.

Dad" Since lessons are over I will give you this  back but don't let me catch you wearing it again"

Eddie then dashes in.

Dad" Eddie. Everything all right? Nothing missing, I hope"

Eddie" Where'd everyone go?"

The Osirian Twins (2) Where stories live. Discover now