Part 4: The first feast

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A few mildly confusing hours passed, the new boys that she had met trying their best to explain everything. For people who possibly kidnapped her they were pretty patient with her never ending questions. Her head still hurt from being slammed into by the redhead but besides that nothing seemed to be wrong, at least that's what the doc said after she had calmed down enough to get examined more properly. She realized that these guys are really close in age to her, the doc appeared to be only about a year older then her.

A bell rings in the distance,

"Look it's time for us to eat, you are free to stay here and we can bring you some food if you still don't feel well but you should come with us, meet everyone in the pack." Newt smiled cheerfully.

"Yeah... I guess I'll come, I'm not hungry though." She huffed.

"Just make sure you at least drink some water and try to eat some, if you start feeling bad have one of the guys come and get me or show you where this tent is." The doc turns and scribbles something in a brown notebook.

She nods and all three boys and her exit the tent, waving goodbye to the doc as they come out and start heading towards what she could only assume to be a huge campfire. 

"Hey-" the red head taps on her arm, "look I am sorry for shoving you so hard.." he mumbles almost reluctantly.

"It's fine I guess, and I'll probably get you back one day for it." She smirks and catches up to the others as they near the food distribution area. 

The guys grab some meat with an apple and corn as she just grabs a piece of bread to nibble on. "Look are you sure you don't want more?" Thomas questions, "yeah I'm sure" she responded.

She finds a seat a little away from everyone and rips up her bread, chewing it gently. She felt most eyes were on her but she payed no mind, what use was there in stopping them anyway.

The festivities continued for a while before she got too tired. She pulled on Thomas's sleeve, "hey uhm where am I going to sleep, I am getting pretty tired." He thought for a moment, "well shit I forgot about it, hmmm" he scratched his dark brown hair, I know, you can sleep in the med tent, I'm sure doc won't mind and this will just be until we build you your own tent." He smiles, "do you remember where it is or do you want me to show the way?"

"No no it's fine I know where it is, thanks and goodnight Thomas." She mumbles before starting the journey back to the medical tent.

"Knock knock." She enters the tent to see a semi surprised doc turn around. "Hey! How are you feeling?" He stands up and walks over, "did you walk here all by yourself? I told those guys to not let you wonder off on your own, I still don't know if you have a concussion or not..." the doc rambled on.

"No no I'm fine just tired... oh and Thomas said I can sleep here tonight?" 

The doc nods, "ahh yes of course you can!" He looks over to one of the beds, "pick whichever one you want." He smiles.

She walks over and picks the same one as she woke up in mumbling a thanks to the doc.

"I am just in the other room if you need anything ok?" The doc says before heading out, blowing out the candles before closing the tent.

She closes her eyes with a sigh, "I wonder what else my future holds for me..." she mumbles before quickly falling asleep, the cheering of boys still echoing in the background.


Sorry it took so long for me to update I have been so busy but I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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