Part 2: Thomas (POV)

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The usual noise of the cage began scraping against the walls. It was that time again, time for a new greenie. He stretched, knowing some first instincts were for people to run and he was the one to chase after them. The crowd of boys mumbled with excitement, 

"Maybe there will be a pig!"

"No what about another goat, or a chicken!"

Thomas didn't care as to what the other boys were saying, only waiting patiently for the cage was what he needed to do. 

The cage came to a screeching halt and Alby and Newt pried the gates open. A sudden gasp arose from the crowd, Thomas looked down to see a, a girl? He couldn't help but be astonished, why a girl? What's going on? He watched the interaction between the girl and newt. She looked scared, I mean who wouldn't be but she also looked confident, willing to do anything to protect herself. The next moments passed by in a flash, a blur of the girls golden hair went by as the guys cheered, they had another runner.

Thomas started after the girl, dam was she fast, he could barely keep up himself. Fuck- she was heading straight towards the opening in the maze, if she goes in there, she will wind up dead. He continued the chase, she drew close to the opening before, bam! Gally had slammed into the girl, knocking her down.

"Damn it Gally what did you do!" He walks over to the barely conscious girl on the floor, "you dick!" He turns towards the boy who was dusting himself off, "fuck-" he mumbles, "take her to the medic now!" He bends down and gently tucks the golden strand away from the passed out girls face. "Well this is going to be interesting..."


Sorry for another short read! I'll be writing more for the next chapter!

Maze Runner fanfic (girl x maze runner)Where stories live. Discover now