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It's to 2:40 in the morning, I am hungry, but guilty for not updating in so long.



*sound effect*


~Kanae pov~

{didn't have any plans for her to be a major role in this but like- things change when you are a hungry sleep deprived person making a story during ungodly hours😗👌}

*ring ring..... ring ring*

???- "hello. Who tf is this."

Kanae- "hello! Is this person named Sanemi Shinazugawa???"

Sanemi- "yes, how tf do you know my name and wtf do you want."

Kanae: "I want to work with you... see... my sister had been taken to jail for kidnapping a boy named senjuro..."

"Ring a bell."

Sanemi- "how the fuc-"

Kanae- "I know my ways... anyways... you help me... and I help you to get what you desire most..."

Sanemi- "........"
"what is it that you fucking want."


{look... I'm sorry this is very short but like I said- it is now 3 am and I'm hungrier than ever.... So I have to stop for now! Hope you have a good day/night}

•~when the bell rings~• {Rengiyuu}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ