A plan...

340 11 15

Disclaimer: honestly I pray for senjuro- I'm going to be serious in this chapter I swear I will.

Warnings- cussing, kidnapping, lethal injection.



~The next day~

Destination: flame estate

~Senjuro's pov~

It was 12:00 pm, the Sakura trees blowing in the winds. The birds flying above our estate. The area around was as if it was at peace.

"Ah, just a few more hours till Onii-San comes back home! Unless he comes back late. Again..."

I sigh and continue to sweep the front of our estate.

Father hasn't been around lately... I'd rather think that he is visiting mothers grave than starting fights.


I look up to see 2 figures.

One seemed like a small woman.

The other a scary man.

The next thing I knew and seen was the sun. And the fact I have been impaled by something... something rather small...

Like a needle...

~before the incident~

Destination: kimetsu high, empty hallway

~Shinobu's pov~

"Ara~ sanemi-San~ it seems like you'd do anything to get Kyojuro-San out of the picture~ isn't that right?"

I ask, clearly making my move to annoy him.

"Yes and what about it you pest."

"Well you see... I just recently found out.. that rengoku-san has a younger brother~ all alone at his estate~"

"I see what your getting at shinobu... but what are we going to do to get the damn kid to come with us."

"That you see... is where I come in~"

{shinobu is a medical teacher at kimetsu high. She knows every thing about poison, drugs, meds, antibiotics, how the body works, and also the main pin points of a body}

"So you see sanemi-San~ I will inject a small drug on him to make him fall unconscious~ then that's where you come in~"

"You? Expect me? To carry an unconscious boy? Who barley looks like us? Around HIS neighborhood?!? Are you out of your damned mind shinobu?"

Sanemi remarks

I roll my eyes and tell him to lead me to his van so we can get this over with.

"Sanemi-san, I plan to do this before lunch break ends which is about 50 minutes away. So if you don't mind... let's go."

Sanemi looks at me shocked, but continues to walk to the parking lot.

~Time skip~

Destination: flame estate

~The incident~

"Ara~ we are here~"

"we have to be as calm as possible so we don't alarm the kid. So just wear this black mask and this black hat."

Sanemi proceeds to hold them out infront of the shorter female.

"Let's just hurry up before anyone notices we are gone."


The boy looks up to see us.

I quickly grab out my needle and staple him at the right spot.

The neck.

"Ara~ he passed out quicker than I anticipated~ now hurry up sanemi-San and put him in the van~"

I place the boy into sanemi's hands.

"Kocho, this is fucking stupid, it's a literal one minute walk back to the van!"

Sanemi remarks yet again.

I throw the now empty needle on the floor and say this.

"If you don't hurry the fuck up shinazugawa-San I swear I will inject illegal fluids into your veins. Lunch break is almost over so hurry the fuck up and put him in the van."


A/N: sorry if this is short- but anyway- I'm leaving y'all a cliffhanger- also! I was super surprised to see over 200 reads! Thank you all!  Also happy 4th of July! The third of July is my birthday- so yay! I hope you enjoyed this story! Love y'all 😁

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