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March 22, 2019

The room was already downright chilly when Jimena heard the first chime of the clock.

Their office hosts an ancient clock that gives out three chimes at night and usually when it does that, it was already a sign that one should go home. The chimes welcome the wee hours of the evening and although overtime was not an unheard concept in their office, it was not encouraged.

However, such things do not deter Jimena from doing her job on a Friday night. Quite unlike her workmates who always love Fridays because of the freedom and the family time that it brings, Jimena doesn't see the value of it. After all, she does not have a family to go back home to, and she doesn't see the value of going back to her empty apartment with only books and a cell phone for company.

Occasionally, she goes to a nearby bar to wind down and if she gets lucky, maybe even go to a man's house to release some stress. But that night, Jimena was not feeling it, and thus she continued with her work.

It wasn't until 10:00 p.m., and the second chime went and flew when Jimena decided to close her computer for the day. Ten minutes later, she then found herself bidding goodbye to the night guards as she rode on her motorcycle toward the still-alive streets of Cagayan de Oro City.

Normally, at this time, Cagayan de Oro will be lulling itself to sleep much like a child under the influence of milk. But on a Friday, everything was still noisy and vibrant. The music from the nearby bars and clubs were bouncing off towards the streets, which was mixed with the screams and laughter from their patrons.

The traffic was also horrible - with cars bumper to bumper - making Jimena look over the clubs with interest. It seems that her decision to go clubbing was changed now and without any hesitation, she parked outside a nearby club, dabbed a bit of red lipstick, and proceeded to enter; not minding at all that she was still wearing her business attire.

It was chaotic inside and very very cold. It was also dark, with lights shining together with the beat of the music. Jimena can see people kissing and grinding on the dance floor, their faces lucid and peaceful due to too much intoxication. Others she can see just casually lounging with their friends, their laughter and voices so strong that they empower the already loud music. Others she can see were alone like her, drinking broodily, opting to be quiet and invisible in the corner.

It's quite a lucky thing that bars in the Philippines don't tend to restrict their alcohol too much because despite her being younger looking than her actual age, Jimena was able to get a bottle of liquor without too many questions. She was even able to get a table for herself and was even told to speak up if she wanted more.

Jimena of course went to drink and brood without a second thought with the occasional bop of the head if the music was good.

Quite honestly, Jimena thought that her night would end like that. She looked like a hot mess with her non-clubbing clothes and flat hair. Sure, she had a bit of makeup on and her lipstick was the seductive red she often went for, but it was very clear that she had entered the club wholly unprepared for flirting.

So, she was surprised when a man, a handsome one at that, went to her table and sat in front of her. Although it was dark, Jimena can see that the man has brown skin, quite similar to hers, was about six feet tall, and had a blinding, beautiful smile. She can also see the man's firm body that was hugging his shirt very, very well. A hot flush of desire ran through Jimena's neck and cheek.

"What brings you to the club tonight?" The man said his voice strong and deep while letting out the words in Bisaya. He was also taking small sips from his bottle of beer with his eyes still attached to hers.

Cambiar Las Mareas: The BeginningOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant