queen of dirty hearts ratted smutt

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It was a normal day at the palace and the queen just beheaded another person they had to paint her flower red as she was watching her royal card paint the flowers she had a tingling sensation in her deep pussy she was confused because she had a husband (the king) but he was taking a real long time on his king trip and she was ready to fuck somebody anybody but all she had was her guards, she pulled one of the guards into a chamber because she wants to fuck. She told the guard to lift his bcc (big card cock) out right now he had no choice bit to do it even though he always wanted to fuck the queens deep pussy the guard whip it out like a fan on a hot summer day and ripped of the queens long bloody dress her throbbing pussy was throbbing so much harder now "wow not even the king was this hard to me" the queen said in a seductive voice as soon as the guard put that bcc in she moan so loud that the high calapiter could here it. The guard pulled the queens hair so violent it hurt so bad witch made the queen want it so much more. It was lunch time for the guards and sometime they go to the chambers to eat as every guard that the queen had walked into the room the queen and that one guard new it was over. They have been caught red handed red then the queens flowers. But then the guards stop and stared in amazement "how in the queens wet flapps did he get so lucky" A guard said in anger. The queen was quite intrigued by the comment she told the guard to come towards her. The guard came. "Do you know what I want to do to you right now" the queen asked "cut of my head" The guard replied. The queen chuckled, "take out your bcc now" he whip it out the queen started to suck that big dick and told the guards to start putting there dicks where ever they want the guards was intrigued and did exactly that "yes my queen" they all said she screamed and moaned as they do what they plead so rough and rowdy "you boys are so dirty and hard" she growled  as they cum every where "well your the queen of dirty hearts" the end

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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